i have a tank free and i want to do planted tank but i have no idea if i need to cycle the tank be for i get the plants or what
list of plants i want to get
1.Anubias nana
2. Staurogyne repens
3.Cyperus helferi
4.Frill Plant
5.Amazon Sword Plant
6.Lobelia Cardinalis
7.maramo mass ball
the fish i want for it is
1. neon tetras
2.cory catfish
3.german blue ram
4.mystery snail
list of plants i want to get
1.Anubias nana
2. Staurogyne repens
3.Cyperus helferi
4.Frill Plant
5.Amazon Sword Plant
6.Lobelia Cardinalis
7.maramo mass ball
the fish i want for it is
1. neon tetras
2.cory catfish
3.german blue ram
4.mystery snail