Planted Aquarium


New Member
Sep 28, 2012
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hey just wondering if anyone has a live planted aquarium? ne tips on planting it when its filled with water? i have a few already in but want to add more eventually. im hearing a lot of good things about live planted aquariums. they help with water chemisty, slight filtration element and are a source of food for some fish. id love to know how others tanks have faired who have live plants. thanks!
Do a largish water change, and plant before you do the refilling :good:

All of my tanks are planted, though low tech; that means I don't have special lights or use fertilizers or anything like that. Not all plants will be happy like that; avoid anything red, for a start, but there are loads that will grow very happily.

Have a look for any of these; vallisnera, Java fern, anubias, crytptocorynes, dwarf sagittaria, Indian fern, Christmas moss.

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