Plant Advice


Fish Fanatic
Mar 26, 2012
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i just got my 55 gallon tank set up (sort of). i bought it off my aunt a fwe days ago i finally set it up filled it with water andi was outside in my driveway cleaning the sand for an hour.

i put the sand in and im letting it cycle a little before i put anything else in (i put the stress coat and the cycle in the tank)

the tank im upgrading from (small 10 gallon) has two red flame swords and two banana plants in it.

problem is both banana plants have had leaves that just died, they turned clear and just broke off (assuming that means they died) and one sword has leaves that just like to die also. the other sword however has no problem staying alive but it does have this really gross algae all over it, at first it was like a brown kind of color and now it is just a patch of black all over the leaf.

i do like the swords and banana plants but they seem to have some sort of problem with them. now somebody is going to tell me something about nitrates and nitrites but to be honest i have no idea what those are and what they have to do with the plants.

anyway..i was thinking about getting new plants for the 55 and just getting rid of those. im not sure if those plants need specific care, or maybe im just neglectful of them but i was hoping i could get some good recommendations of plants to put in the 55gl that are maybe similar to those or just tell me the right thing to do to take care of those ones

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