Plans For The New Aquarium.


Tiny fish
Jan 16, 2012
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Ideal would be 100L+ with 100 cm length, 40 cm wide and 30 cm height.
Alternatively I could get a 100L+ with less (say 80 cm l, 45 cm W and 30 cm h)
Worst case would be getting a 95L or so if no one sells long ones or I can't get a long enough stand for my room or they all want a lot of money for a basic tank with no lid...

There's also a backup plan of building a 100L with the first dimensions, but it would take up to 7 days for the silicone to dry and then there's also the test to see how it works. Would save me money to get more plants and such, but the risk of screwing up is pretty high.

Main problem will be bringing said aquarium in the house. Second will be washing it. o_O Only I am 1.65 meters tall. So dad will have to help me carry it. Dad's equal in height to me. -.- Aquarium would be 1 meter long lol.

Natural sand on sale should be cheap. But when should I put it in? When tank is dry or wet? (supposedly after sand has been filtered so that only the good sand remains).
Sounds like you have some work cut out for you should be good when it's finished though, be sure to post some pics. In response to your question about the sand I found it a lot easier to put the sand in when the tank was dry after I washed the sand of course, I've tried it when it's wet before and it just seemed to cause a bit more hassle,
Sounds like you have some work cut out for you should be good when it's finished though, be sure to post some pics. In response to your question about the sand I found it a lot easier to put the sand in when the tank was dry after I washed the sand of course, I've tried it when it's wet before and it just seemed to cause a bit more hassle,
Yeah but finally I can realize my dream of owning a proper tank and giving my little Tzup a home that will keep him entertained.
I'm also expecting fish fry soon too. Bee's pregnant. High chances that Cracker's the daddy, because she was way younger when I bought her 2 months ago and he was always after her (though now she's the one who rules the place, so he won't touch her).

Thanks for the info on the sand.
Now the main 2 obstacles will be:
1 - Finding a good deal for a good-sized tank
2 - Carrying said tank all the way to the top level of the house. (good thing this house has only one floor) and washing it before moving it to my room.

Also, can someone please post pics of possible plants for beginners?
The only things I have kept before were lotus and Elodea. Both ended up as fish food, except that the lotus survived in a vase later on when I took it out (or my mom took it, I don't remember much since then).
Should I get floating Elodea plants and make them sit near the surface like a green cloud or get plants that require to sit in the substrate (but would be fewer) ?
The latter would probably get unrooted by Tzuppy though...
Well, not much space for 1 meter there... Looks like I'll have to cut down on length and increase width. :( Can't move the TV and I need to team up with dad on this one, as mom was like "Can't you use the stand they already have?" Pff that stand won't hold 100L tank unless it's column and I don't want a column tank.

I'll probably have to go with 80cm length and 45 width x 30 height. Just hope she won't be such a killjoy, just now when I finally got my payment. Looks like it's all up to dad to help me with this. After all, mom doesn't take any part in the maintenance, dad pays water bills anyway, I'll cover up cost of food (like I did last time anyway) and pretty much everything else for the tank except that dad has to get me the test kit.
I don't get it, last time I told her, she was like "Ok I don't care." But now she's acting like I didn't talk to her. pff...
I need a backup plan. Could get 100L with 95 x 36 x 30 but the width would be a problem for extra 6 cm.
What is min size tank for spotted hoplo? 20 gal?
If I'll have to get a 94L, can I get one with these dimmensions? 90 x 35 x 30 ? (obviously L x w x h)
I keep having trouble thinking of how to fill that spot in my room and get a stand to hold it. Dad went to check out where they have aquariums both 2nd hand and 1st hand.

edit: Can't find any of those and the order I can place is 85 x 30 x 30 but now I don't know from who to order. -.- Pff I've missed so many good offers while I didn't have the money and now they're all gone.
So what should I do? Go Sunday and look for tanks that (usually) are cheaper on the market, ready-made and hope that I can find a bigger one for a good deal?
Make an order for a customized tank (in which I can only order a 85x30x30)?
Make one myself at home?

Pros of option no 1:
Cost efficient. Possibly bigger 80-100L tank for cheap prices.
No waiting, I could put fish in the same day I get it.
Cons: They might use cheap / toxic silicone.
Tank might be too tall and might annoy the Hoplo. He seems to like having easy access to the surface.
Harder to find a long tank, column tanks seem to be a fashion here.
Will need to carry it through the city.

Pros of option no 2:
Customized dimensions.
Cons: Waiting anywhere between 10-14 days till it's ready.
Cost inefficient. About 75 - 76L (around 20 gallons) for all my money.
Not being sure about what silicon was used.
Will need to carry it through the city.

Pros of option no 3:
Customized dimensions.
Cost efficient. Can make a 90-100L for very cheap prices.
Know for sure what silicone is used and that it would not kill my fish.
Won't need to carry it through the city.
Cons: Waiting 10-14 days before putting fish in.
Need to buy silicone tubes (though that's easy and cheap).
Need to order glass. Cheap though and for a good thickness too.
Need to fix the tank with something until it dries.
Needs around 1 and a half hours of work till it's done.
So... everything seems to be pointing to having no choice but to go DIY style. Everyone's only up for making tall tanks with less length. I don't want a tall tank, I want a long one so my hoplo can swim.

Has anyone around here ever made an aquarium themselves?

I see a lot of tutorials about them and the brand of glass silicone used is quite cheap, I can buy 2-3 tubes of it, and the thick 6mm glass is cheap too. According to a calculator, these dimensions 90x30x30 are considered safe, with a 81L tank. It says that even 4mm is ok with it but I'll make it 6mm since the thicker the glass, the safer it is.

(Yeah, I've noticed it's like talking to myself here...)
A custom built tank is definitely the only way to get exactly what you want, but used tanks in good condition can often be had for less than the price of the glass and silicone sealant. If you take your time and shop around, you can definitely beat a custom tank for price. In many cases, you will get a filter and even a heater at no added charge.
A custom built tank is definitely the only way to get exactly what you want, but used tanks in good condition can often be had for less than the price of the glass and silicone sealant. If you take your time and shop around, you can definitely beat a custom tank for price. In many cases, you will get a filter and even a heater at no added charge.
Yeah but I've looked online on the websites that were for my city and only thing remotely close that I found was one ugly tank with a separator.
Dad ended up making a deal with some guy from the plaza who said he will build him that 85x30x30, that's basically 20 gallons and a bit. The guy said it should be ready in 2 days (meaning tomorrow).
I've been to many shops and they said "Too long, won't hold" or that it will cost an exaggerated amount of money when I saw on offers tanks of 100 or 110 L for way less. Yeah, they weren't long, but geez, 70$ for a 76L? LOL!

At least this guy doesn't ask for much and I already got fish food, can get dechlorinator too and a plant or two for what money will remain after I pay for the tank.
About the sand:
I can't seem to find any play sand (maybe it's not sold under that name or something), but I can find construction sand / quartz sand on sale.
There might also be some sand at the lake, should I try to get sand from there instead? Will it be ok if I boil it? I'm not sure how natural it is though.
Get holes drilled for an overflow :D

Also you can find sand at most home improvement stores. Any old sand will do, I have heard about sand blasting sand but I have never used it (just make sure it is 100% sand no chemicals). For plants, elodea, Brazilian pennywort, hygro, frog spawn, Anubias, java moss, java fern(don't burry the rhizome), valisnera. Stay away from red and variegated plants. You can also build a tank yourself, just make a wood frame around the pieces of glass you silicone together.
Any old sand won't do :crazy: There's a lot of sand that is not good sharp sand plasterers sand to name a couple

Ime using blasting sand ( swimming pool filter sand) in my tank and it's very good doesn't compact like play sand so if you have a pool shop near you ask if it's safe to use on a pond filter and if it is it's fine :good:

But if you have b&q near you ( really don't know) kiln dried sand is apparently fine also ( similar if not the same as playsand )

Atb bae
Yeah I wanted to make a 100L with 100 cm length, but mom started bugging dad all the time about "What if you put silicone all over the place" blah blah or what if we end up wasting all the silicone and it still leaks. I was going to use some silicone that dries in 7 days. The guy that made my tank now used a special one that dries in few days (1-2) and he called, said it's ready but has to be picked up either tonight or tomorrow morning. Let's see if dad's friend can help today with the car as it will be a heavy tank, thick edges of glass.

Well, it seems some pet shops had listed fine sand for very cheap amount of money per kilogram, but they are online shops and deliver by post. Will check the pet shop since I'll go and get at least ammonia test kit (not sure if dad can buy me the nitrite yet and I have a hard time choosing, I know ammo is bad, but nitrite can get bad at lower levels). It's been 2 months since fish-in cycling and I don't even know what's really happening. o_O
Maybe I can get some yellowish-brown natural sand or grayish. I don't want completely black one or the artificial colored ones. If neither yellow or gray are to be found, I'll go by white fine sand. Seems to look nice too.

Plants - I might go for elodea or what ever floats, as I want my Hoplo catfish to have an open playground so he can swim / root freely and play with his ball too. I'd build or buy him a cave some day, but I don't know if he'd use it, as I've read they don't sit hidden much.
The plants should hide the fry that one of my swordtails is carrying. Her black area is getting bigger by day.
It seems dad is going to be at work for longer. At least I'll have the tank in the morning.

I have a few questions though:
On some websites, it says Hoplosternum Thoracatum can be kept in 20 gallons minimum. On this forum it says here Hoplo catfish profile < that they can live in community tanks over 30" in length. Since my aquarium will be 85 cm long, is that ok?

Should I get another (tiny) Hoplo to keep him company some time in the future if I manage to have perfect water quality with current 3 tank inhabitants which include my 13-14cm long Hoplo male and a pair of swordtails?

I want the new tank to be mostly a swordtail species only (with the Hoplo being an exception for both being the special fish of the tank and being the bottom cleaner - although I don't really keep him for that role, I just like him for his personality). But the ideal is to be somewhat understocked if possible and I don't want shoaling fish, nor do I intend to make the tank look full or get many different species, the swordtails seem to be enough.
Finally, got it. Now I'll have to wait till tomorrow though to get the rest of the stuff, as dad has to go to work tonight. Step 1 check.


A funny thing is that I noticed an optical illusion: It looked as if the new tank had a shorter height than my 23L one. I measured the 23L's height and it's 28, the new tank has exactly 30 cm height. o_O interesting. Probably because it has 30 cm width too so it makes it look shorter.

Ok, next step - dechlorinator and sand.
Then lid building, live plants and then moving the fish to it.

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