Planning On Get Betta For 1St Time


Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2013
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Hey all I'm thinking on turning my old 5 gallon tank into a betta tank along with a few shrimp. Only thing is do I use my old internal filter? Or like I think I'd prefer under gravel filter so it's less sore to the eye.
Undergravels don't do much good. It's best to go with an HOB.
Well if that's the case ill pop my old filter into my other tank for a little until I get my other one sorted
It's a sponge filter my other filter
I personally prefer sponge filters but most any filter will work.  If it is too strong a flow, then it can be baffled to work.  Undergravel filters don't really do much except be needlessly messy.
My bettas love their sponge filter, and you can hide it with tall plants. :)
From what I've heard, bettas sometimes eat shrimp - they are carnivorous. I'd make sure the shrimp are too big for them to eat!
BrucesOwner said:
From what I've heard, bettas sometimes eat shrimp - they are carnivorous. I'd make sure the shrimp are too big for them to eat!
Two of my betta fish went through phases where they just killed the shrimp for fun. They would not eat them, they would just dive down and kill them and then leave them there.
A sponge filter would be the best, but probably also the ugliest....there's some very small HOBS that you could think about, and simply cover the intake with a sponge which the shrimp will also appreciate. To make sure the betta won't eat the shrimp first experiment with a ghost shrimp, then try whatever shrimp you want, and if that goes well add the colony.

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