I have a single pictus in my 60g. He is my second pictus. I really enjoy him a lot, they're pretty fun to watch. I have a million cories, polka dot loaches, bolivian rams, a pair of angels, harlequins, and a pair of platies and one baby.
I would suggest purchasing them when they are very small. With any catfish, if a fish can fit into it's mouth, it "will" eat it. I haven't had this problem with my baby cory or baby platy, but they're mixed in with much bigger fish. I would just say that my pictus does go out hunting for fish to eat, and the first one I kept did not either, even once he was full grown.
My biggest advice with keeping pictus is to make sure you have a sufficient territory for them, such as a lean-to or two sided cave. They need a way in and out, not just a cave (which both of mine never wanted anything to do with). They also do not care for any disturbance to their area. If I move "junky's" stuff around, he will spend the next three days thrashing around the opposite side of the tank. They can become very crabby, but not violent.
I feed mine hikari sinking pellets, carnivore sinking pellets, and bloodworms.
I think pictus are a great species for someone looking for a catfish in a community tank. Hope this helped