Pictus Not Eating!


New Member
Jul 6, 2012
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Ok...so I got two pictus catfish about two months ago. Just about a week ago I noticed that both of them are getting real skinny. I started watching to see if they were eating anything thing and no luck...I even put in a nite light turned it on after turning off regular light still couldnt see anything. I've read on here that at feeding time they go nuts for food and eat just about anything well mine dont. Here is what my setup is and what I have tried to feed them and how.
55 gallon long
Two hang on back tank filters
Driftwood,fake plants and plenty of rocks and hiding spots
Other tank mates 4 angel fish and 4 Cory cats
Tank has been set up for three months
Food: Omega One tropical flakes
Omega One shrimp pellet
TetraMin tropical sinking tablets
Tried spot feeding them with flake food crushed up shrimp pellets and nothing
Also just tried spot feeding them blood worms and nothing they swim right by everything like its not there.
Please can somebody help they also seem ok don't look unhealthy. They hang out in there hiding spot most of the time and do come out at nite and play with one another.
Tested water today
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
KH: 40
GH: 180
Water temp: 78

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