Picked up a new Cory today


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
Didn't see it in the pet store since the tank was like at the bottom of the row and there must have been 50 cories in there.

but look at his body just before the tail you'll see it's like kinked. Doesn't seem to affect his swimming but looks odd.

Well here's what I'd do... take this picture to them and tell them that you will give this little guy a good home but you'd like a healthy one for the price you already paid. Two corys for the price of one and a loving home for one that is in need :D

Hi Sky042

Alaska's idea sounds like a good one to me! :nod:

I'd keep him, but not let him breed. But then, I'm a softee when it comes to fish that no one else would buy. :*)

Now while I'm here and looking at the picture, let me make a comment about the pebbles you have in your tank. They are really much larger than the kind corys should have. Corys like to dig down to get at bits of food that fall between the stones and when they do they get abrasions on their heads which can get infected. They can also damage their barbels that way. :sad:

Perhaps you will want to consider changing to a finer gravel, one that the corys can move easily, at some time in the future if you keep corys. :D
I feel bad for the little guy :(

I one had a fish I got from the lfs that had only one fin, and he lived for a long time...and no he did not just swim in circles :lol:
Inchworm said:
Hi Sky042

Alaska's idea sounds like a good one to me! :nod:

I'd keep him, but not let him breed. But then, I'm a softee when it comes to fish that no one else would buy. :*)

Now while I'm here and looking at the picture, let me make a comment about the pebbles you have in your tank. They are really much larger than the kind corys should have. Corys like to dig down to get at bits of food that fall between the stones and when they do they get abrasions on their heads which can get infected. They can also damage their barbels that way. :sad:

Perhaps you will want to consider changing to a finer gravel, one that the corys can move easily, at some time in the future if you keep corys. :D
Any finer and I'd have sand in my tank.
These guys just happen to be about .75 inch long at the max.
Sky042 said:
...Any finer and I'd have sand in my tank.
These guys just happen to be about .75 inch long at the max.
Hi Sky042 :)

No, you'd have a long way to go before smaller gravel would qualify as sand. That size pebbles is way to big to safely keep corys on, even fully grown bronze corys. :no:
I also bought two Peppered Cory's back in January, one had slight defects.
A stumpy dorsal fin and a side fin like Nemo.

He's doing fine, a true character.

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