Ph A Bit High ?


Mostly New Member
Aug 28, 2013
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My Fluval edge 46L is now at least 2 months old and completed its cycle about 3 weeks ago with Nitrate, Nitrite and Amonia all at zero for some weeks now.
Its fully populated with no plants.
When I test with API my PH (High) comes in at 8.4. When I test my tap water it is 7.6.
Should I be worried and if so what can I do about it. I do a weekly 20% water change
All the fish seem happy. I feed them every 3rd day. I do use 1 Algea pellets every third day as well
Thanks for any comments
As long as your tank keeps steady pH its not too much to worry about as a lot of fish are adaptable to ph levels.
Its when ph swings from one level to another fairly rapidly thats the bad thing for fish.
Just keep an eye on your ph levels.
Are you testing the pH of your tap water after it's been left to stand for 24 hours?
What's the level of nitrate in your tap water, and how are you testing nitrate? It's very odd you don't have a nitrate reading, especially with no plants; something's wrong there.
fluttermoth said:
Are you testing the pH of your tap water after it's been left to stand for 24 hours?
What's the level of nitrate in your tap water, and how are you testing nitrate? It's very odd you don't have a nitrate reading, especially with no plants; something's wrong there.
Agreed, that is quite strange.
Another thing I would like to make a note of, is the extremely high pH of the water once inside the tank, versus out of the tap.   What exactly do you have in your tank for decor?  Substrate?  Something is for sure leeching ph buffering minerals into the water.
Oh yeah, have noted that now.
Quite correct that there should be some nitrate if your bacteria is processing ammonia and nitrite.
Normally would have said plants can consume some nitrates, but since you have no plants.
Not being patronising or anything but are you following exact directions on API nitrate test?
Especially with shaking bottle no.2 and the test tube itself for a full minute, really gotta shake it proper to get the reagents to mix together properly otherwise reading may not be accurate.
fluttermoth said:
Are you testing the pH of your tap water after it's been left to stand for 24 hours?
What's the level of nitrate in your tap water, and how are you testing nitrate? It's very odd you don't have a nitrate reading, especially with no plants; something's wrong there.
 sorry Nitrate is 20
And are you leaving the tap water to stand for 24 hours before you test the pH? A lot of water companies add things (mainly CO2) that change the pH to protect the pipes, so you won't get a true pH reading unless you have let that gas off.
Good, glad to hear that nitrate is at 20, thats fine, ignore my last post in that case 

Next step would be to test you water ph after leaving water to stand for 24 hours then see what that says then take it from there.
By the way, does the ph fluctuate in your tank over the past 3 weeks to 2 months or is it pretty steady at 8.4?
ok i will retest the tap water and post. Its pretty steady I always have to use the High PH as the low one always maxes out
My tap water is 7.6 after 24 hours ?
Is a solution to use distilled water ?
What fish do you have?
It's not usually worth trying to fiddle with the pH; with a few exceptions most fish can adapt to water that's slightly harder or higher in pH than where they come from.
CarloUK said:
My tap water is 7.6 after 24 hours ?
Is a solution to use distilled water ?
I would not used distilled in freshwater.   My take on a solution would be to find what is bringing your ph from 7.6 out of the tap, to 8.4 in the tank.  Something in the tank is leeching minerals into the water.
+1 for above
do you have any rock in the tank that is crumbling? what ornaments do you have in the tank?
paradiddle said:
+1 for above
do you have any rock in the tank that is crumbling? what ornaments do you have in the tank?
Yes i do.Cant say its crumpling but i will take it out and see if it improves. Thanks

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