Last night I changed 20% of my water in my 10 gallon tank I had 3 tetras 3 swordtails and 1 male betta living a mesh breeder trap because I could not maintain his water in the his 3 gallon bowl. This morning one of the tetras was dead and floating near the betta's trap. Now the is swimming on its side and looks a liitle sick, he seemed very happy in the net. So I moved him back to the bowl with water from the 10 gallon and some new water. I always did 20% changes in the past.
Update: yes, the water changes are weekly, the tetras are black skirt, I use a API test kit, is it possible the tetra got into the betas cage and they just fought it out. The net had shifted overnight leaving a small swim space for both to swim over. I use a jacks pets brand de-chlorinator, that is a small pet store chain that specializes in aquarium care. Would a 20 tall fit my 10 gallon stand, and I did not do anything with my media during this change. The other fish seem to going about business a usual and appear heathy, the tank is probably 5 months old now and is fully cycled.