Peaceful Fish To Stock With Breeding Bristlenose (240L)


Fish Herder
Feb 20, 2011
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Hello, getting back into fish keep properly again as I've been given a 240l tank from my dad. I was always into bristlenose and have successfully bread them multiple of times and many different pairs. This is the largest tank I will have owned to date, my last was 110l. I'm looking for any ideas what I could stock with breeding bristlenose that would be peaceful but also be a beautiful centre peice as the tank will be in the living room. Any opinions/ideas would be greatly.appreciated.
Threadfin rainbows would be a good shoaling display fish that will leave any BN fry alone. Threadfin rainbows have the added bonus of not only being a relatively small fish themselves but also have small mouths so any BN fry once out of the breeding log are going to be too big for the threadfins to eat.
My BN's breed very well with guppies, but guppies give you the hassles of them breeding and over taking the tank.
You could go with a couple groups of different shoaling fish. They always look quite pretty.
I wouldn't be too sure on which ones. I've never bread bn pleco. But I feel some tetra are relatively peaceful.

Neons, cardinals, ember tetra are ones I've owned. The neon and ember are small but maybe a good thing with having fry.
I bet a huge group of ember would look amazing once they colour up. They usually look see through in shops. But become a lovely deep red after a few months in a decent tank set up.

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