Pea Size Gravel Links


Fish Addict
May 13, 2012
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North London UK
Does anyone have links to pea size gravels? in the future i may be getting a aquastyle 980 and i am wondering how much of the gravel i should buy aswell. i am looking for whitish/beigish colour although it would be good if you guys can give feedbacks on your own tank gravel :D

my local pets@home have gravel which look pea size which i may ask the staff if it is and its black and white which i have a doubt on

Also does anyone know how much of the gravel you may show me i should get? the aquariums diamentions is 98wx37dx56h
Try your local garden center for natural pea gravel. I've been using it for years and never had a problem. As for how much you'll need, that depends on how deep you want it. 2 50# bags would give you a good 2-3".

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