Pea Puffers And Bumble Bee Gobys?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 5, 2011
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i have two pea puffers and w bumble bee gobys in a 10 gallon with a filter and water tempeture of 80f . they seem bored and usually stay on one or the other side of the tank. can smaller tank be done ? or would i run into agression problems ? they are being fed thawed  frozen bloodworms, spriula brine shrimp, krill , etc. when they eat its adorable :3 i just want happy little fishies not bored fishes lol 
You need to be feeding those puffers several snails a day. They don't usually do well with others and I believe that the bumble bee goby requires different parameters. Puffers could go to a smaller tank, but bigger is better. Besides, fish don't typically get bored in a well set up tank. For puffers it needs to be densely planted with many caves. Keeping live snails (ramshorn and pond snails are best) in the tank will entertain them before they hunt them down and kill and consume them. Have you planted this tank? What are your decorations like?
The gobies also prefer groups of six or more, which would be a bad plan with your puffers. Both of these species are best for species tanks.
well if my hood did not randomly decide to smoke i would love to get the plant clippings from my boyfriend's tank. i work at petsmart as a petcare specialist but the only snails i can get would be the pest and assasin snails.(not including the apple or mystery and mixed nirite snails) would i be able to buy them online ? they have several small caves and a few fake plants one floating the rest like a " dense forest" as i call it . is there certian plants that work better or hat they like better than others?
Pest snails would be perfect! MTS I hear have shells that are a little difficult to crunch trough, but most other snails will be fine.

I had my puffers in a tank with a bunch of crypts and anubias and amazon compacta. Java ferns were thrown in too. At one point I added a bunch of hornwort which made it easy for the snails to hide and for the puffers to weave through the plants. Ideally you want to break up the line of sight as much as possible. Where do you live? I have several extra hoods for ten gallons I'm not using.
NY we have the cone pest snails and tiny ones with a spirial shell either or ?  ill get some anacris tomorrow at work and the clippings from my boyfriends tank when i get the lights set up ill look for a hood tomorrow maybe
Anacharis will just melt in the higher temps. Mine only lives in the tanks kept under 78. 
Unfortunately you are a bit far away for me to donate one of my light fixtures to you. I'm in Mississippi, so not really a quick drive. Haha. 
little far hah but thank you okay no anacris. any other live food thats easy to get a hold of ? other than snails and brine shrimp
Blood worms, maybe. I fed my puffers on live snails with thawed bloodworms every day. They fasted twice a week (because bloodworms are fatty, but I kept snails in there even on fast days). 
For plants, any kind of hardy ones will do. You can keep a group of puffers in a tank with just anubias if you wanted and they would do well. You just want to make sure that they can tolerate the higher temps. 
i bought them live brine shrimp today which has seemed to make them happy il see if i can et some anubis at work

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