Partition For Aquarium


Mostly New Member
Feb 4, 2014
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Not sure whether I am in the right section of the forum for the below query.....
I have partitioned my aquarium to isolate aggressive and non-aggressive fishes.
After partitioning I noticed the aggressive fishes were hitting the partition glass
as the partition glass was transparent.
I sticked vinyl to the partition glass to avoid transparency. But the vinyl came off 
after few days inside the water. I thought of painting the glass with an oil paint.
But then again, was worried about the paint polluting the water. And also, I guess
that the paint will also come off the glass when under water for long.
I want to make the partition glass opaque(non-transparent) to stop exposure of 
the soft fishes to the aggressive ones.
You can buy opaque glass, white glass too. Go to any place that sells glass with the dimensions and they will cut it to size.
I don't want to waste the glass that I have and looking to make it opaque.
You could superglue a fine mesh to it. This would be pretty cheap. At the same time, you could begin a Java moss wall which would be an attractive divider.
Glass is pretty cheap, isn't any mod you do to it going to cost about the same in the long run?
How about long plants like vallis planted on either side of the plastic to obscure any view?
If you really want to stick with the glass you have,
If your lucky enough to know anyone that has access to a sand / bead blasting cabinate.
That would give you a nice frosted look.
You could check with your local glass merchant to see if they could etch it for you.
But honestly that would most likely cost more than a new frosted piece cut to size.
Oh, but you could be creative and have them etch a cool pattern or image into the glass.
And you could possibly use a frosted glass spray paint.
But this would most likely be toxic until fully cured.
This option is a risky one.
Hmm, you could get a cheap 3D type aquarium background, cut to size and stick onto the glass using aquarium sealant.
Personally, I would get a sheet of black perspex cut to size, problem solved for just a few pounds
Again, its spending money if that's not what you want.
colleen0309 said:
Just a quick question... Do you have filtration on both sides of the partition?
yes....there is filtration on both sides.
attibones said:
You could superglue a fine mesh to it. This would be pretty cheap. At the same time, you could begin a Java moss wall which would be an attractive divider.
java moss is an attractive option......but I have algae eaters like sucker plecos, algae eater, otocinclus.
Just worried that these fishes may tamper java moss.....not sure though.
attibones said:
Most fish won't eat java moss, I don't think. 
Agreed, most fish like having java moss in a tank set up as a natural cover or to nibble tiny bits of food from.
In fact, its shrimps that really love java moss as it does provides good cover and food for them.
Thanks everybody for useful suggestions. 

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