
June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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There are some places in Europe that have laws against keeping bettas in tanks under 10g.. I don't think they'll get over here to Canada, but I guess it could happen in different states within the USA..

All of my bettas are in tanks of 1/2 gallon or more.. I couldn't see keeping them all in 10gs to themselves..

anyways, the whole dye job thing already has the thing going.. I don't know if they've accomplished much as I don't go to the site or read into it really... but I'm sure if someone gave it the right effort they could get it done even if it's just getting local shops to stop selling dyed fish.
I love Parrots. I think they look great and are very graceful. I see no difference in breeding two different kinds of dogs and breeding two different kinds of fish. People don't complain about muts do they? Why fish?

The sight that was posted is horrible! I've never seen Parrots so horribly colored! and the lips! its terrible! it think it should be illegal to this to fish.

how can you say that a parrot is gracful they wobble around the tank not even able to swim properly their mouths are also so small and in some cases twisted so badly they cant even eat properly

it is a totaly different thing with dogs all dogs were muts we have just line bred them to kepp the parts we like and inhanse different traits

parrots are a totally different thing soneone has played god and furtalized eggs in a test tube

if a pedegree dog is let lose into the wild it will bred with other dog and the pups will start to return to it origenal state a mut

if parrots are released into the wild their brains are so mixed up they dont know what they are and they will start to breed with all different types of fish like we see with flower horns

the parrot looks just like a tropical fancy goldfish stupied

what type is this???

its the one at my LFS.
I love Parrots. I think they look great and are very graceful. I see no difference in breeding two different kinds of dogs and breeding two different kinds of fish. People don't complain about muts do they? Why fish?

The sight that was posted is horrible! I've never seen Parrots so horribly colored! and the lips! its terrible! it think it should be illegal to this to fish.

how can you say that a parrot is gracful they wobble around the tank not even able to swim properly their mouths are also so small and in some cases twisted so badly they cant even eat properly

it is a totaly different thing with dogs all dogs were muts we have just line bred them to kepp the parts we like and inhanse different traits

parrots are a totally different thing soneone has played god and furtalized eggs in a test tube

if a pedegree dog is let lose into the wild it will bred with other dog and the pups will start to return to it origenal state a mut

if parrots are released into the wild their brains are so mixed up they dont know what they are and they will start to breed with all different types of fish like we see with flower horns

the parrot looks just like a tropical fancy goldfish stupied

Have you ever kept a T1KARMANN? I'm guessing you haven't because of your strong dislike of them. So, supposeing you've never kept one, how do you know that they swim all wobbly and have trouble eating? Because of what you've read about them or is that just what your guessing? I can guarantee you that my parrots have no wobble and eat perfectly fine. And they are actually very graceful and also have great personality, better than any other fish I've ever owned.

Peoble breed fish to bring out different traits exactly the same way they do dogs. All dogs are dogs and can mate with eachother. Same with central american cichlids. Midas, Severums, or Red devils, are probably the fish that the Blood Parrot came from. And how do you know that Parrots were grown in a tube and just weren't accidently born between 2 of a keepers fish? You probably don't.
Peoble breed fish to bring out different traits exactly the same way they do dogs. All dogs are dogs and can mate with eachother. Same with central american cichlids.
I don't have anything against hybrids, but it's important to understand that they are infact nothing like mut dogs. It drives me nuts when people compare the two. Dog breeds are all the same species. No matter what breeds you mix together, you're always going to end up with Canis familiaris. When you mix two different species together, it's like mixing a dog with a wolf... that's the rough definition of a hybrid, an animal produced by breeding two of more different species together (though the term can also apply to the mixing of subspecies). The resulting offspring can be infertile, have development abnormalities, and if produced in the wild they are almost always at a disadvantage. The different breeds of dog were produced through line breeding, not hybridization.
well you are wrong yes i have kept a parrot before when i was a kid and didnt know any better

and yes they are tube bred as have you ever seen a wild caught parrot

and i think you will find that no one for sure knows what the parrot is mixed with its a trade secret

and yes the parrot does swim wobbly and if they were in the wild they probably wouldnt last 5 mins each type of fish has taken thousand of years to evlove the parrot is a deformed frankenstein monster and i think people should stop buying them as even the trade cant think much of them to pump them full of color enhancers and tatto them
Anyone who doesnt think parrots wobble as they swim needs to take a look at some true Cichlids and how gracefully they move compared to parrots.

All dogs are dogs and can mate with eachother. Same with central american cichlids. Midas, Severums, or Red devils, are probably the fish that the Blood Parrot came from

While its true midas and red devils can hybridise naturally as they are the same genus (Amphilophus) severums are not only from a seperate genus (Heros) but also come from a different continent being South American fish from the Amazon basin and cannot naturally hybridise with Amphilophus species. 99% of parrots in the trade are artificially bred in asian fish farms by stripping the eggs and sperm from the parent fish and artificially fertilising the eggs.
Wobbly ahaha ... you guys are hilarious

I don't like stingrays, but you don't see me making things up like that.. that's just lame :no:
I gotta agree with aardvarkfromspace on that one. I'm not fond of bloodparrots at all, but I've never seen one that swam with a "wobble". I still wouldn't call them graceful, but no wobble. Hell, even my midas-BP hybrid that doesn't have a freakin' tail doesn't swim with a wobble, and I know what a cichlid is suppose to swim like.

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