Parasite Treatment Of Somthing Else?


New Member
Nov 22, 2013
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So I have a 55-65 gallon tank currently with tropicals now I have had fish for many years and only in the past 2 have I experieanced this problem so it must have started with my gold fish once in a while one would grow thin and pass away I assumed poor genetics as I have my water tested regularly and I have been told levals are fine. Every fish I have gotton in the past 2 years have been from pet smart where all of there tanks are connected so outbrakes of somthing are easaly passed through all of the fish. My current set up has mollies, platies, fancy guppies, tetras, sword tails, and two chinease algy eaters
Ive had quite a few fish die but there stock is never the greatest and usually the ones that live thrive. However my problem recently is my mollies(all of them) have been growing thin and dying I supect parasites. It has now moved on to my sword tail female and potentialy a platty. They eat just fine but become listless and thin. Im not sure what to use to treat with or what to do. Id rather not have this spread and shut down my tank as I love my fish and want them to thrive.

TheZoo said:
 I have my water tested regularly and I have been told levals are fine. 
This actually sound like you do not have you own test kit and its your LFS saying your levels 'are fine', if you do not have your own test kit, I do recommend you get your own test kit, this i so you can know for sure what your water parameters are on a regular basis.
An API Freshwater Master Test Kit will do perfectly fine.
TheZoo said:
I have had fish for many years and only in the past 2 have I experieanced this problem so it must have started with my gold fish once in a while one would grow thin and pass away I assumed poor genetics 
Also this sound like you are keeping goldfish with your tropical fish, as long as you are aware Goldfish are cold water fish and do not do so well in warm tropical temperature water. So these do not really belong in a tropical tank, they are extremely messy fish and do produce a lot of ammonia and potentially deteriorate the tank water quality. 
So that may explain a bit why your stocking has not been doing so well.
But if you no longer keep goldfish then have a couple of questions - 
Do you do regular weekly water changes and how much?
Tank water temperature?
The symptoms of fish stomach going thinner and dying despite eating is a sign of internal parasites, maybe worms like Camallanus worms for example.
I am not particularly any good at diagnosing fish illnesses but tho si what you fish symptoms sound like, hopefully someone with a but more knowledge on this sort of thing can come and advise.
The more information and details you can give, the better, no such things as too much information but certainly too little will not help much.
If you could give as much details/symptoms as possible, this will help and your water parameter readings as well (not an LFS 'its fine' answer if possible).
Edit - just notice TTA posted his comment while I was writing this, but do still answer the questions above, it may help.
no the gold fish were given to friend who loves them but thank you for advice I have orderd Flubendazole and will update soon

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