Panda Cory's


Oct 16, 2013
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Some of my panda Cory's have black top fins and some don't is this just genetics or is it a way to sex them from Tom
Pandas do have black on their dorsal fins.Have you got a clear pic of them?
Different cories will have slightly different black markings on their dorsal fins... nothing to do with gender.
ok thanks because some have a full black fin and some have hardly any or none on there fin from Tom
It's not unheard of for Lfs to mislabel fish, I recently got some metae that were mixed in with pandas, the shop didn't have a clue they were a different species, that's why I asked if you had a pic just to be sure
metae and pandas are extremely different looking.  :blink:  Surprising that they would make that mistake.

metae and melini, sure... but pandas. :blink:
I know, I was surprised they didn't know what they had but was a bonus for me as they're not seen much round here
I have attached a photo of the Cory's but I'm pretty sure they are pandas and if you can tell me what sex they are if you can tell that would be great from Tom


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They do look to be all pandas, as for sexing it's impossible to tell from that pic.
Try viewing them above, as a rough guide the males are smaller & more slender bodied than the females.
Also the ventral fin in males is often more pointed than the females, it's hard to see though with them always moving.
That's a bunch of pandas alright.   As for genders, it just can't be determined by that pic.
Looking above, the females are more 'rounded' and males more slender.
From the side, females bellies are more rounded, and males are flat.
Ventral fins, females are more rounded and males more pointed...
Do you see a pattern? :lol:
Ok thanks I will have a go myself but I find Cory's quite hard to sex so does this picture make it any easier to tell. As long as I have at least one female and one male I don't mind from Tom


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Incidentally... the odds of having 10 cories all one gender or the other is on the order of 1 in 1000.
50% chance one cory is male.
25% chance two cories are both male.
12.5% chance three cories are all male.
6.25% chance four cories are all male.
3.125% chance for five cories all male.
roughly 0.1% chance all 10 are male.
(These numbers are based on assumption male/female cories are equal in number over the whole population.)

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