Panda Cories


Mostly New Member
May 4, 2014
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Two weeks ago I had one baby panda Cory in my tank, he is about 1inch long now,and lovely. To my amazement yesterday I found another much smaller baby panda Cory, about .25 inch. He hasn't got all his markings yet. In my tank I have three adult cories, so the question is .... Do I have two females both breeding or could one female rebreed so quickly. Does anyone know?
The act of spawning usually occurs over a couple of days.  Burgess writes that C.panda can spawn 10-15 times over a period of five months, and eggs hatch 4-5 days after being deposited.  I've no idea how soon a female can spawn again.  If you can view the fish from above, distinguishing male/female should be fairly straightforward.  Females will be rounder, and if they are spawning, especially so.
I've had corys spawn practically every week for a month or so, if the conditions are good & they're well fed it's not unusual to have multiple spawns
Thanks I have just been watching them spawn. I will leave the eggs where they are as they seem to be managing without my help. Here's to hoping for a few more !!

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