Panda Angel


New Member
Feb 12, 2005
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Does anyone think I'll have a problem with a panda angel being kept with guppies? On another note my 125litre tank has only 4 guppies in at the moment. I bought some kind of tetra can't remember what but they went mad in the tank after an hour and started attacking the guppies relentlessly. My girlfriend who has named the guppies and become attached to them was in floods of tears. I had to get 2 of the tetras out. I left one little one in because it wasn't going barmy. The LFS said that they should have been ok. Any thoughts??
A Panda Angel? Im pretty familiar with angels and I cant say Ive ever heard of one of those. In all likelyhood its a fancy name given to a color varient. What is 125 liters converted to gallons if I may ask? when it comes to mixing guppies and angels you have an equal chance that either they will get along or they won't. Ive had several angels in my time of fishkeeping and every one of them had a different disposition ranging from mellow to a total serial killer. Try it but be prepared to ave to take one or the other back.
Thanks for replying. 125 litres is about 33 gallons (US). They had panda and zebra angels. They just had black markings on them. By the way that is one scary sig pic! :eek:
In a tank that size your guppies have a very good chance at being in peril. Angels get alot bigger then what most realize Being cichlids they will stake out territory and an 33g tank will be their entire territory. Im not saying mixing the two cant be done just proceed with caution.
Ok thanks. I'll probably leave it. My girlfriend would probably drown me in the tank if anything happened to her guppies - or Tango, Rainbow, Twinkie and sparky as they are now!
100% agree with Turq :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

Ive had 2 angels (more really details to follow) in my 4 months in the quarium hobby so far. The first came with the first tank I got a 75L/20Gallon tank its very placid, fully grown, and played nice nice with eveyone else in the tank. After I got my 150L/40Gallon Tank I moved the the angel over there ( being that he was to big really for the 75L tank) and got a 3 small small angels (2 move over to the latge tank when they got big enough). 1 of these angels proceeded to murder 2 angels of the same size, multiple guppies and a small BN (I first thought It might of been a betta or a large Red tail shark in the same thank but deaths kept occuring after these two were moved out it left option) After moved this guy over to my larger tank the big angel kinda took it under its wing and educated unto tank ethics (it would actually swim between the smaller angel and other fish if it was being naughty)

so the moral of this story is it really depends in the luck of the fishes attitude


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