I have two tanks with sterbais in them, a 30 gallon with 4 sterbais that are around 3 years old, and a 20 gallon with sterbais that are about 10-12 months old. One of them in my 20 gallon has lost almost all of it's coloration, normally darker on the body with pronounced dots, it's now almost white with still visible dots. Its front fins (pectoral I think) are completely colorless, while its back 2 are still orange. It still eats, and moves around, but I've noticed it's also breathing hard. I keep my corys on sand, plenty of plants, natural caves, and low light. Temperature is around 81-82 farenheight, and they live with cardinals.. Every day or every other day I directly feed them either a hikari wafer or blood worms/brine shrimp. I vacuum the sand thoroughly twice a week with water changes. I use seachem prime and dose with flourish and excel. Can't see the problem, I really don't want to lose one other than to old age, where this can't be the case..