Pairs Breaking Up?


New Member
Mar 15, 2009
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Has anyone had experience of a pair "breaking" up?
I have a pair of keyholes which I've been trying to breed.
Not had any aggression problems in the past.
Looked into my tank yesterday and couldnt see the female, when i did find her she was really dark, alot darker than she becomes at breeding time and her fins looked a little agged, I kept watching to see why she was so destressed, the male wouldn't let her rest everytime he saw her he'd chase her all around the tank until she managed break his line of sight, but as soon as he spotted her again the chase would resume.
They are definitely male and female because one hase huge fin extentions compaired with the other, and the smaller one of the two has liad eggs.
There isnt any other fish in the tank.
I have removed her from the tank so he doesnt kill hr.
Does anyone know why the male would suddenly become aggresive?
Will I be able to re-introduce her into the tank? I know Ill have to rearrange the tank to disrupt his territories, but will he still be agressive towards the female?

I hope that made sense.
Any thoughts or advice will be much appreciated.
He may well be feeling ready to mate and she isnt interested, so he is becoming aggressive to her.
They have been spawning every two weeks for the past 3 months or so (none have hatched yet, had an egg fungus prolem which I hve managed to get rid of), when it is coming up to there spawing time its usually the female that is the more aggressive of the two.
sorry to hear that.
i had to sell my male angel last weekend as he became too aggresive.
the pair have spawned many times with no problems at all but the last 2 spawns he has eaten the eggs and wants to spawn again and she is just not ready.
she was in a bad way but on the mend already i just hope all her fins grow back to the full length

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