Paint Back Of Tank With Plastidip?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 11, 2014
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I've seen a bunch of people painting the backs of their tanks with spray paint. I really like the idea of something more permanent, but I am always changing things and don't want to be stuck with a single colored backer if I don't like it. Has anyone tried using the rattle can Plastidip on the back of their tank? I might just try it because you can peel it off after it dries. If anyone has any experience with this?
What I did was buy an aquarium background for cheap and applied it with vaseline.
So far so good.
what I did was to paint a perfectly cut to fit piece of 1/4 inch plywood and then secured it to the back of the tank with duct tape---holds well and looks nice, although probably not as nice as  painted glass would look--but this background can be readily removed if desired.  
I havn't used it for a background, or at all, but I was recommended it to seal decorations we're making for my tank. So I'd think it'd be perfectly fine to use as a background. Sorry if that's not helpful ^^'
So I went ahead and painted the back with plastidip.  I turned out really well, coverage is smooth and even.  It took an entire can though.  I don't know if this is a lot compared to regular rattle can spray paint, but it looks good and its removable, so win win in my book.
Looks very good, be good to see this when fully set up.

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