I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Rebecca, I am 33 and live in Cincinnati ohio. I recently got a 75 gallon tank, and like an idiot thought getting a few tetras to seed the tank was the right thing to do. Luckily I have had very little loss, but thats not from my mad skills lol but from dumb luck. I did use some media from a cycled tank, and did some water changes. But after reading some of the help threads I will be increasing the water changes tomorrow. I also have 5 plants in the tank, and am using a canister filter and lots of air running in the tank at the moment. But truly wish I had researched more before I decided to subject the poor unsuspecting fishies to my tank lol. My goal is for a beautiful planted tank with some Rams in it. But I know that will be months away.