Hey everybody, had a few questions regarding ph and filtration. I currently have a 20 gallon with,
X6 cardinal tetras
X1 dalmation Molly
X1 opaline gourami
X4 sterbai corydoras, 1 schwartzi.
And a 10 gallon,
6 harlequin rasboras
1 betta.
And soon, a 30 gallon where I'll be moving the dalmation Molly and gourami soon.
Sooo anyways my main concern is my 20 gallon...once I move out the gourami and Molly I plan on completeing my school of sterbai corydoras and getting a couple more. I have two pieces of driftwood and the tank is lightly planted with anubias, java fern, java moss, and a few marimos..the ph stayed at 7.4 for a while, but my lfs and my personal test kit is reading 8.0......I'm going to try to go down to 7.0, or at least 7.5. Ok this topic is going in a very confusing order, sorry about that...ON TO FILTERATION! Haha ok, so I was considering buying a fluval canister filter for my 20 gallon, an upgrade from my aqueon quiet flow...overkill? Idk that's what I'm asking you guys....and how would I go about adding peat moss to this filter? Just stick it in with the media? If I did buy a fluval canister filter (not sure what model yet) would it be too strong for the following.
X6 cardinal tetras
X6 sterbai Cory
X1 schwartzi
Aaaaannnnnddd once I move out the other fish 1 or two German blue rams. So yeah.
X6 cardinal tetras
X1 dalmation Molly
X1 opaline gourami
X4 sterbai corydoras, 1 schwartzi.
And a 10 gallon,
6 harlequin rasboras
1 betta.
And soon, a 30 gallon where I'll be moving the dalmation Molly and gourami soon.
Sooo anyways my main concern is my 20 gallon...once I move out the gourami and Molly I plan on completeing my school of sterbai corydoras and getting a couple more. I have two pieces of driftwood and the tank is lightly planted with anubias, java fern, java moss, and a few marimos..the ph stayed at 7.4 for a while, but my lfs and my personal test kit is reading 8.0......I'm going to try to go down to 7.0, or at least 7.5. Ok this topic is going in a very confusing order, sorry about that...ON TO FILTERATION! Haha ok, so I was considering buying a fluval canister filter for my 20 gallon, an upgrade from my aqueon quiet flow...overkill? Idk that's what I'm asking you guys....and how would I go about adding peat moss to this filter? Just stick it in with the media? If I did buy a fluval canister filter (not sure what model yet) would it be too strong for the following.
X6 cardinal tetras
X6 sterbai Cory
X1 schwartzi
Aaaaannnnnddd once I move out the other fish 1 or two German blue rams. So yeah.