oy vay...


Sep 3, 2003
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In My Own Little World
Mishka Ishka-Bibble gave birth today between 3:30 and 4:30 pm. i noticed she was much slimmer, no more tiny black dots in her pink belly-spot neither. so, i searched for the fry.

i didn't expect to see any, you see the tank is also home to an African Dwarf who relishes small, moving foods, four Kuhlii who never miss a thing if it touches the gravel, a little big-mouthed Oscar and a 'vicious' Betta.

it wasn't surprising that i found one tiny, ripped-up fry carcass. -sigh- it was suprising that i found four fry! now, i only caught three, the fourth is at large. i'm estimating little Mish had around 6-7 fryballs in her tummy when she was pregnant, so that means the Brat Pack got to at least three of them. the three i have are adventuresome, they've all ventured past the divider in the breeder and one has tried to jump out!

does anyone have hope that the rest of the babies may have escaped? if so, how would i find them?

also, my other girl Polly is showing the same signs Mishka did. she's getting fat, the bottom of her tummy is getting more squared, her chest is wider, her little bum is wide open, and she's swimming a bit like a Goldfish does (think swimming plant) her little 'hollow' gravid spot is now appearing pink rather than semi-transparent orange, and she's getting teensy weensy black lines in it (my guess; the fry developing) now, i've had both fish one week. Mishka was bought because she was pregnant, but the tank that both were in had males, and i'd had one for about two days. meaning Polly was either impregnated on Tuesday (when all the fish were brought in) or on Saturday/Sunday/Monday. when should i move her into the top portion of the breeder? d'you think i should just follow my instincts? i was sure i should've moved Mishka, but i didn't want to risk stressing her and have her abort the fry.

also, how do i feed them? 'till Saturday i haven't got proper fry food, though i will pick up some of that specially-formulated dusted stuff. i can't seem to crush anything tiny enough for them, i dropped a pinch (a teeny pinch! really small) or utterly dusted food in, and it was still a bit too big. one big-mouth got his little jaws around a piece, and his belly is fat now. i'm afraid he may explode!
Nice to hear that. Try to separate the fishes.
i caught the rogue fry! the little bugger put up a massive fight, had me scare the bejeebers out of my Kuhlii and tear up a few plants before i caught him!
Hi I like her name!! :D and congrats to the frys as well!!

Do u use internal filter? They might go into the filter or behind it to hide.

What substrate u r using in the tank? Mine tucked their lil' heads between the gravels (medium in size) so they managed to escape from the tankmates!

And u might want to switch off the lights coz they'll be likely to come out from hiding then.

As for Polly, I recommend u set up a breeder tank (like a 5 gallon, with lots of plants for frys to hide) for her coz a breeder net/trap will only stress her out. And u'll need to set up one for the frys sooner or later anyways.

If u don't have liquid fry food for them, u can feed them with boiled egg yolk (just mash it n mix with a tiny bit of water) at the moment. Good luck~ :)
if you crush up flake food really really small then they can eat that, I managed to rais my first batch of molly fry solely on crushed flake food and now they are fat little beggers! :D

congrats on the fishies!

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