

Apr 10, 2012
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West Midlands, UK
120 Litre low-tech planted tank (about 35-50% of substrate will be planted). I'll be using a nutrient rich soil substrate and a Fluval 206 canister filter with a small, underpowered powerhead at the bottom of the tank just to keep the flow of water even.

My plans for stocking include:

5 Peppered Cories, all of which will be ~ 1.5"
7 Zebra Danios (gold and silver assorted), ~ 1.25"
7 Neon Tetras ~ 1"
1 Bristlenose Pleco ~ 4.5" in length (he/she may or may not get bigger)
2 Blue Moscow Guppies ~ 1" (not including the tail)

Was talking to a friend who thinks I might be overstocking fairly severely but I think I'll be OK if I keep my eye on water parameters. Dimensions of the tank are as follows and are approximate...

75cm length x 45cm depth x 45cm height

Thanks for the help in advance, I thought I'd just double check on here first :)
seems ok to me, think I'd lose the zebra danios and double the number of neons and add an extra cory. Not sure about the two random guppies either, maybe take them out and put a honey gourami in there or something?
I cycled my first tank with 4 gold zebra danios (which are still going strong) and thought I'd bolster their numbers. They're perfectly happy in a 4, though. So bolstering their numbers is purely an option. I'll hold it off in that case.

Where the guppies were concerned, I have a back-alley LFS that was closing down and was euthanasing all their fish!!!! :eek:

I saw the last 2 blue moscow guppies, underfed and malnourished and had to save them from the bleach bucket. Yeah... He was using bleach to kill the fish...

Thanks for your input so far, though. I really appreciate it. :)

So I'll leave the danios as a 4 to minimize their bio footprint. I don't have the space for both the tanks in my sig anymore. I'll move the 120L into where the 65 is.

EDIT: Like a lot of people, I didn't do any research before getting fish. Which is precisely why I have danios in a standard length tank ;) They seem OK though and are fairly big, considering they've been kept in a smaller thank than they should've been. The largest is nearly 2.2" but the others are 1.5" approx :)
Ah sorry didn't realise you already had them. Was viewing on a smartphone and it doesn't show signatures unless you tell it to go to the full site. Neons definately look better the more you have though.

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