Fish Fanatic
Will an overstocked tank ever fully cycle or will there always be a little ammonia? And help me come up with ideas to get rid of guppies please. I was given 4 pregnant females and I am over run with babies. I have separated the one male and put him in my community tank and right now the fry are too little to tell gender.... but there has to be hundreds of them in a 10 gallon and I swear they have had at least 2 litters since I've gotten them. Also this is a lesson to research fish before you happily add them into your tank
I feel bad for them and have given away to friends as many as they will take but I'm at a loss on what to do with the rest.
The 10 gallon was cycled to 6 baby neons
The 10 gallon was cycled to 6 baby neons