So in my 20 gallon this is what I currently have.
X4 sterbai corydoras
X1 schwartzi corydoras
X3 cardinal tetra
X1 opaline gourami
X 1 dalmation Molly
X1 betta.
I know I'm poorly and possibly overstocked as far as compatibility and schools go. In a few days Ill be adding my betta to the 10g, and possibly getting a couple more cardinals. My question is, is should I upgrade filters? I right now have a aqueon quiet flow 20, as generic as you can get...I was thinking of maybe going for a fluval canister? If you guys think that's a good idea, would you mind recommending a specific model of the canister. Ok, I also want to eventually move the Molly and gourami to a larger tank, and wanted to replace them with another few fish. So ideally within a couple months this is what I want
X5-6 cardinal tetras
X4 sterbai corydoras
X1 schwartzi corydoras
X2 German blue ram.
Are either of these two setups overstocked? My current or future? And should I upgrade filter? I was thinking of getting another smaller aqueon filter and yeah...
X4 sterbai corydoras
X1 schwartzi corydoras
X3 cardinal tetra
X1 opaline gourami
X 1 dalmation Molly
X1 betta.
I know I'm poorly and possibly overstocked as far as compatibility and schools go. In a few days Ill be adding my betta to the 10g, and possibly getting a couple more cardinals. My question is, is should I upgrade filters? I right now have a aqueon quiet flow 20, as generic as you can get...I was thinking of maybe going for a fluval canister? If you guys think that's a good idea, would you mind recommending a specific model of the canister. Ok, I also want to eventually move the Molly and gourami to a larger tank, and wanted to replace them with another few fish. So ideally within a couple months this is what I want
X5-6 cardinal tetras
X4 sterbai corydoras
X1 schwartzi corydoras
X2 German blue ram.
Are either of these two setups overstocked? My current or future? And should I upgrade filter? I was thinking of getting another smaller aqueon filter and yeah...