Overindulged, Or Pregnant?


Feb 12, 2016
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Hey guys! Sorry I've been inactive lately, but I have had a lot going on. Fish died, snails overran my tank, and I got a fish to keep them in check. I think it's a monkey loach, but I can't be certain. Anyways, I was wanting to know if it was pregnant (if so her name will be Kyla) or just fat (in which instance his name will stay Kyle.). Here's the photo: 1473798076990-85365590.jpg
Sorry for the bad focus. Also, that wasn't a very good photo. Kyle is really fast. Here's another one:1473798170791809216233.jpg
Let me know if you need better photos.
I would definitely need some, up close photos to be able to tell please :D
The fish is a dwarf chain loach; its Latin name has changed several times over the last few years. It used to be Botia sidthimunki, then Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki, now it's Ambastaia sidthimunki. Shops use all three. The sidthimunki is where you got monkey loach.
This is a shoaling species and you need more than one fish. If your tank is longer than 80 cm/31 inches, I suggest you get 5 more of them.
Dwarf chain loaches do not breed in captivity - commercial breeders have to use hormones to get them to breed - so it is unlikely to be carrying eggs. In the last photo, it appears to have a red abdomen - does it or is the red just in the photo? If it is red, there is something wrong with the fish as they don't have any colour on them, just black and white. If the red is just in the photo, it could have overeaten or it could be sick. I can only suggest you keep an eye on it to see if the large abdomen goes down.
I would suggest feeding peas and then fasting for a few days.  Hopefully the swollen abdomen will decrease.
His abdomen is not red, but his gills do look a little red, as they have been from the very beginning. I think that's just because they're thin. Right now his belly just looks dark. Almost a very, very dark brown.

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