Otto Cat Not Moving?


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2013
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My otto cat which survived the death of my other fish within 24 hours hasn't been moving today. This morning he was swimming around fine (he swam up to me when I turned the light on), but for the past three hours, he has been sucking on the heater. His tail is flopped over, but I can see him breathing. He looks a bit fatter than usual to. Is he going to be okay? I just did a water change the other day.
My Oto's can spend hours just sitting on the wood, as long as he's breathing & looks normal he's probably fine, hope your heater has a guard on it
I hope he is fine. Although if he dies, I will be able to get a betta.
Bettas and otos are fine to mix with?
Not that I am aware of. I really don't want to take any chances...
I had a betta and quite a few otos for awhile, No problems since a oto is a bottom fish and a betta is mid to high. No conflicts.
It depends on the temperament of the betta, but in almost every case I've heard..they are fine together. Of course if you don't feel comfortable then don't do it.
Would also like to add that otos prefer to be in groups. :)
What are your stats?

Is your tank cycled???

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