

Jan 15, 2012
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After moving my five gallon tank near a window for my plants, algae is starting to attack. The only Thing in the tank is a Halfmoon. Tank is cycled, been running for quite a while, Ammonia/Nitrite 0 ect.
I've heard you can't beat Otos for an algae clean up crew, and was wondering if I could have 2 or 3 in my tank. Substrate is sand with live plants, and I also plan on finding some driftwood and adding more plants soon. I do a 50% change every 4 to 5 days.
how big's the tank, and what does the algae look ?
Oto's won't eat all types.

Its a 5 gallon, and the algae is kinda a brownish haze on the glass, with some spots. I'm not really algae savvy, so you'll have to excuse the bad description :lol:
No probs

Brown algae is usually Diatoms.
Good news is that Oto's love it.
Bad news Oto's can sometimes be very picky eaters.
5 Gal is not a big tank, so after they've cleared up your problem there might not be enough produced to keep them fed, unless you're prepared to add veggies.
Try searching 'Otto' here
No probs

Brown algae is usually Diatoms.
Good news is that Oto's love it.
Bad news Oto's can sometimes be very picky eaters.
5 Gal is not a big tank, so after they've cleared up your problem there might not be enough produced to keep them fed, unless you're prepared to add veggies.
Try searching 'Otto' here

Luckily I regularly feed my loaches and snails zucchini and other veggies, along with wafers, so feeding them wouldn't be a problem at all :lol:
I'll search them and see if I can find anything else useful. I know I could keep one, but I wouldn't want too have him alone since I know they like groups... And I'm not sure if my tank is big enough for 2 or 3. :/
Thanks for the help! :D
No probs.

If you're adding more plants,they like broad leaved ones such as Anubias & Amazon swords (you can get smaller varieties of the latter now)
iv kept 1-3 in a 5 gal before they did just fine. dident even need to feed them. with a betta they mix fine :good:
No probs.

If you're adding more plants,they like broad leaved ones such as Anubias & Amazon swords (you can get smaller varieties of the latter now)

Well then they would be in luck! :lol: My tank has an Anubias and a large sword! I think I'll get 3 of them along with some more plants on my next trip to my LFS. Thanks again for the help!

iv kept 1-3 in a 5 gal before they did just fine. dident even need to feed them. with a betta they mix fine :good:

Good too hear! :lol:
I didn't even think about an algae problem when I moved my tank. Hope they can clear it up! :)
I have some with my Betta fish - Oscar, they all get along fine!

(and they save me scrubbing brown algae off everything...) :shifty:

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