Oto's And Salt

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Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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I have a 20 gal tank that I'm using for a hospital tank. It currently has two Platys suffering from Ick and three Oto's (I couldn't catch the oto's and decided to just leave them in)

I'm reasonably sure that Oto's are like Cory's, and do not like aquarium salt.
But the Ick treatment I'm using doesn't seem to be working.
I was hoping to add Aquarium salt to my treatment but I'm worried it will harm the Oto's more than it will help the Platys.
But I just wanted to confirm if Oto's are okay with salt or not.

I am not sure about otos, but I heard you should never add salt to a tank with a stingray or plecos. I own both and have put salt into both aquariums no problems. I just use a little more then half the dosage. Most fresh bodies of water has salt in it. I think you should be fine with a little salt, maybe half of the recommended amount..

I don't want you to take my advice and Beresponsible for your fishes death so maybe some you has tried salt and otos can chime in. I assume you are talking about aquarium salt and not marine salt.

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