I'm planning on redoing my 30 gal tank sometime in mid Dec. I wanted some opinions on my short list.
A little background on my tank:
pH of 7.8 - 8.0 depending on what I use to test it. My master test kit puts it at 8.0 but I've used test strips that put it at 7.8 (I have bog wood, and am thinking of removing half of the cartridges from one of the two filters on the tank and replacing them with Peat to help buffer and hopefully lower the pH)
Temp is 76 currently, but obviously this is adjustable to suit the species of fish.
Dimensions: 36 in L x 12 in Wide x 16 - 18 (I can't remember which) in H. Approx 30 US gal (115 lt)
Has two filters, a Fluval U2 (30 gal capacity) and a 20 gal over the back filter, so it's a little over filtered
I've had the tank for about 2.5 years, with various stock, so it's fully cycled (And been accidentally re-cycled at least once
but those are sad stories for other days)
Current stock:
5 female betta's
4 guppies (1m 3f)
5 Panda corys
2 BNP, 1 adult male, 1 juvie of unknown gender
1 pesky Zebra Danio that I can't catch to save my life.
Anyways, I was planning to re-set up my 20 gal tank for my female Betta's and 1 of the BNP. (As well as some corys but I have that stock all planned out.) (The only question is where to put it!)
So for this 30 gal I was thinking:
1 Female Pearl Gourami
8 Neon Tetras (I've never had them, so I don't know what an appropriate number would be, but 8 sounds reasonable to me)
6 (Ish) Panda Corys
I was hoping to possibly get some Platy's to put in there as well, in my mind 4 or so wouldn't over stock the tank, but let's hear what my peers have to say.
A little background on my tank:
pH of 7.8 - 8.0 depending on what I use to test it. My master test kit puts it at 8.0 but I've used test strips that put it at 7.8 (I have bog wood, and am thinking of removing half of the cartridges from one of the two filters on the tank and replacing them with Peat to help buffer and hopefully lower the pH)
Temp is 76 currently, but obviously this is adjustable to suit the species of fish.
Dimensions: 36 in L x 12 in Wide x 16 - 18 (I can't remember which) in H. Approx 30 US gal (115 lt)
Has two filters, a Fluval U2 (30 gal capacity) and a 20 gal over the back filter, so it's a little over filtered
I've had the tank for about 2.5 years, with various stock, so it's fully cycled (And been accidentally re-cycled at least once

Current stock:
5 female betta's
4 guppies (1m 3f)
5 Panda corys
2 BNP, 1 adult male, 1 juvie of unknown gender
1 pesky Zebra Danio that I can't catch to save my life.
Anyways, I was planning to re-set up my 20 gal tank for my female Betta's and 1 of the BNP. (As well as some corys but I have that stock all planned out.) (The only question is where to put it!)
So for this 30 gal I was thinking:
1 Female Pearl Gourami
8 Neon Tetras (I've never had them, so I don't know what an appropriate number would be, but 8 sounds reasonable to me)
6 (Ish) Panda Corys
I was hoping to possibly get some Platy's to put in there as well, in my mind 4 or so wouldn't over stock the tank, but let's hear what my peers have to say.