Opinion On This Tank


Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2014
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What would everyones opinion on this tank be - http://www.g-l.co.uk/products/pet-care/pet-fish-care/fish-tanks-and-biorbs/fish-r-fun-aquarium-and-stand-starter-kit-100-litre.html
Not the greatest brand i know but seems a good deal considering the stand is included.
I wouldnt of thought the filter would be that great but i could buy a better one and the lighting isn't an issue as i am not having real plants as i will be moving house within a year or so
Thanks in advance :) 
It looks ok but I always shy away from kits because they usually don't have what I need and I spend more money in the long run by having to buy new stuff for them.
I prefer to build my tanks from scratch.
Bare tank, then lights and finally a good filter and heater I can usually find all the stuff on sale or on eBay for way cheaper then the kit.
But it's all about what works for you so if a kit dose then great.
It says height 66cm and width only 49cm. I think they may have got those the wrong way around but if not it would be a terribly tall, narrow tank.

I also think you could do much better second hand.
Up to you mate, Check out ebay second hand located near you i did that a few years ago and got a Juwel 100 litre for 65quid with no scratches and stand

I was well happy :)
Thanks for the response guys, ill check out e-bay and see what i can find second hand. Good point about the measurements being wrong, the shop isn't far from where i live so ill go and take a look at a display one first. :)
No too sure from the pictures but curved tanks at this price tend to be acrylic rather than glass, these will scratch easily and can spoil the look if use wrong materials for cleaning.
In my opinion, always better with glass tanks as these forgive cleaning mistakes and scratch far better than acrylic.
But it appears to be ok for the price, no bargain i don't think and the set up generally comes with very basic filters and heater which you'll probably end up replacing at some point soon.
The second hand market is a good place to go but buyer beware obviously so be sure before you buy.
Chain stores like Maidenhead Aquatic and P@H do offer some deals on full set ups that are ok but a little on expensive side but you will have guarantees and/or warranties should anything go wrong.
Pros and cons for both methods of buying.
Might be worth a look at classified section on this forum for tank set ups, some sweet deals and decent tanks and filters if you're quick enough. Worth a look anyway.
I got my second hand tank off Gumtree.

75 quid for a 3ft  130 litre tank!.

Second hand is the best way to go for value for money!

Means you can spend a bit more on a decent filter aswell!

Thats great value - i never thought of gumtree i will have to take a look
I purchased this tank from cadbury garden centre and I think it's good for a first tank
have you got it set up now? what's the filter like ( noisy etc)?
It wouldn't be my first tank but i'm thinking ideal as i could be moving house within a year or so :)
Yeah got it set up now and the filter isn't noisy at all..

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