Oops Too Many Bloodworms!


Fish Botherer
Dec 8, 2012
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I just fed my 7 platies an entire bag's worth of live bloodworms :blush:  Now my fish all look ready to burst and there are loads of uneaten bloodworms burrowing away into the sand! 
What should I have done with the excess bloodworms?
Left them in a cup of water or something. They'd last awhile anyway XD
Wish I had done that.  The fish totally gorged themselves, I hope I haven't hurt them!  They're all kind of hanging in the current and concentrating on digesting right now!  Bellies like balloons
I'd be looking at getting some peas out, They might get bloated and have trouble going to the loo after overfeeding.
Yeah I think I will skip feeding tomorrow, maybe just a couple of peas in the evening!
Lol these bloodworms are coming out whole the other end.  One fish just ate a bloodworm out of another fish's bottom.
Oh yuck! That's disgusting.

My barbs used to do this. One of them would poop, another would eat it and spit it out and then the entire group was interested in the poop and they took it in turns eating the poop. :)
How lovely.
I remember the first time I fed bloodworms (frozen) to my fish...put in an entire block...bloodworms obscuring the tank, fish going crazy, carpet of red bloodworms, and then the fat apathy from the fish lol
Ha yeah!  Fortunately they all seem okay this morning.  I wonder how many bloodworms I have colonising the tank under the sand now!
Might be stupid question but is it possible the worms breed?
Aw dang :(  didn't occur to me they are just larvae.
Shaddex - would love some cories but my small tank is pretty stuffed full of platies and their fry!
 sooner or later the bloodworms will come out of the sand your platies will  simply eat them,
 and  of course your fish will be ok if they gorged themselves it does no harm to the fish whatsoever.
If I were you I would skip feeding your fish for a few days. 
And in the future just feed the blood worm gradually so that you can save what ever is left over to feed again a couple of days later, just store what blood worm you have left in the fridge. You can add some fresh water to their bag if you want. 

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