One Tank- So Many Options


Fish Addict
Jul 16, 2011
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so i have an extra 10 gallon that is currently empty. the problem?? i have no clue what to put in it!!!!! i have several options but i can't decide :p i think a nice livebearer tank would look nice, or should i go with fire belly newts, african dwarf frogs, fiddler/red claw crabs, or 2-3 small goldfish? *sigh* i am not a huge fan of tetras... anyone have any stocking ideas? the tank will have a filter, heater if necessary, light, gravel, plants, rocks, and will be cleaned every 2 weeks (or more often if nessary) the filter can work in as little as 2 inches (5 cm) of water, so a semi aquatic tank is possible.
what should i do?? ????
so i have an extra 10 gallon that is currently empty. the problem?? i have no clue what to put in it!!!!! i have several options but i can't decide :p i think a nice livebearer tank would look nice, or should i go with fire belly newts, african dwarf frogs, fiddler/red claw crabs, or 2-3 small goldfish? *sigh* i am not a huge fan of tetras... anyone have any stocking ideas? the tank will have a filter, heater if necessary, light, gravel, plants, rocks, and will be cleaned every 2 weeks (or more often if nessary) the filter can work in as little as 2 inches (5 cm) of water, so a semi aquatic tank is possible.
what should i do?? ????

Goldfish are a big no-no. They need 30 gallons minimum. I like the idea of newts. It's different. :good:
Is the tank cycled? If not, then read about nitrogen cycle and ways to cycle a tank before you put any living creature there:

You can't have gold fish in a 10G tank. This is cruelty to animals.

Livebearers multiply rapidly and you'll be overstocked in no time.

African dwarf frogs seem ok.

Red claw crabs need 2/3rds of the tank as landing area and just 1/3 water so a 10 gallon seems on the small size but not sure as I've never kept them. They need brackish water too.
Fire belly newts look cool. They need 2/1 ratio of water, the bigger the tank, the better, you don't want nipping and toxins released. The Japanese newts would be too big for it but 1,2 Chinese ones could be ok.

You've got other options, colourful lush green tropical shrimp tank would be my idea. But of course there's plenty of other option, depending on what you like.
Goldfish are a big no-no. They need 30 gallons minimum. I like the idea of newts. It's different. :good:
i need to read more on newts. as for goldfish i will leave it at- i have different veiws and experiences with them :blush:
i will read more about newts and consider them :good:

Is the tank cycled? If not, then read about nitrogen cycle and ways to cycle a tank before you put any living creature there:

You can't have gold fish in a 10G tank. This is cruelty to animals.

Livebearers multiply rapidly and you'll be overstocked in no time.

African dwarf frogs seem ok.

Red claw crabs need 2/3rds of the tank as landing area and just 1/3 water so a 10 gallon seems on the small size but not sure as I've never kept them. They need brackish water too.
Fire belly newts look cool. They need 2/1 ratio of water, the bigger the tank, the better, you don't want nipping and toxins released. The Japanese newts would be too big for it but 1,2 Chinese ones could be ok.

You've got other options, colourful lush green tropical shrimp tank would be my idea. But of course there's plenty of other option, depending on what you like.

the tank is currently empty, no water decor, nothing. but when i decide what i want i will tank the time to cycle it :good:

again, i have differnt views on goldfish, and i rather not get into an argument about goldfish (i have done that one too many times on here) :crazy: but let me say that the ones i have now are happy and healthy and have a clean tank :)

i am tempted to get livebearers, and i have had them for several years and mollies and platies dont multiply that fast.. and i have 9 tanks...i have a 10gal dedicated to raising fry :good:

i have been thinking about frogs, i have one, but now that i think about it i cant picture an all frog tank :rolleyes:

i have had a red claw crab before... i dont know if i like them as much as crayfish :p

well i have all the time in the world to think about it

any one have 'oddball' aquatic suggestions? :hyper:
There aren't any oddballs that can fit in a 10 gallon...
How about

10x Pygmy Cories
5x Sparkling Gouramis (2 males, 3 females)
oops i should reword that- i didnt mean oddball fish, i meant oddball like non fish pets- crays, crabs, newts etc :)

those gouramis and pretty, i will have to check to see if any of the pet stores have them, i still have to think about them :)
Dwarf puffers could work.

The Sparkling Gouramis croak! They chirp and croak at each other, and it's quite loud. I love them, they're full of personality :good:
are the puffer fish pretty hardy fish? and are they brackish or fresh water?
i am trying to post a pic of the puffer fish but it says "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board." on all the pics i tried to post ????

i will have for find a video of the gouramis croaking :thumbs:
messy as in they eat a lot of foods that break into little pieces (pellets), or messy as in they have frozen food?
Messy as in high protein 'meaty' foods that don't always get finished that put a huge bioload on the filter which is why overfiltering is highly recommended.
+1 the dwarf puffers idea I'd love to keep some one day too :D looking forward to your final decision
you could do a small multifasciatus cichlid tank. they are a 1-2" shell-dwelling cichlid that does well in smaller set-ups.

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