On Holiday


Fish Crazy
Mar 17, 2013
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I have been doing a fish in cycle, and I have been changing the water now every 3 days as ammonia shows 0.25. I was anxious about going away for 5 days as I knew there would be ammonia on the third day.
Before I went, I did 1 90% WC the night before and another 90% WC on the morning I left. I also fed the fish on the morning I left.
I came back and did a roll call, all fish present and still swimming normal. Tested my water and this was the shock.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10 (this is down to the ferts I am using)
PH 7.6

Does this mean my filter is now developing ammonia eating bacteria?
It means your tank is cycled.

oh misread your post, ok add 1/3 the amount of ammonia you added to start the cycle,  wait for amonia to drop below .25 pmm and nitrites to be below 1, then add a full amount of ammonia then wait 24 hours and i should read 0 ammonia/nitrites. If not then wait them to drop back to .25 and 1 and repeat.

it's almost 1:30 am and im sleep deprived and my brains not working, and i have no idea why i even posted under this condition lol so I would wait for someone else to verify what i just said before you do it. 
I am doing a fish in cycle lol. Just shocked that ammonia wasn't higher.
Are you sure the tests are right? Maybe re-test to be sure?
How long have you been cycling for?
yeah sorry like i said im way to tired right now to try to help lol best let blondie handle this.
Yes tests are right.
I've had fish in now for 10 weeks. Doing WC when ammonia reaches 0.25.
I don't know if its because the fish weren't fed for 5 days, so they weren't doing as much poo. Anyway happy that they are alive and happy.
If you have had fish in there for 10 weeks then I would say that your tank is cycled :)
I have never had a reading of nitrite before. I still get ammonia in the tank. Just tested it 5mins ago and its starting to turn slight green. Will do a WC tomorrow morning as it falls in with my ferts and WC.
Hmmmm, I'm really not sure then.
Maybe send a PM over to TwoTankAmin and see if he can help. :)

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