Fish Crazy
I have been doing a fish in cycle, and I have been changing the water now every 3 days as ammonia shows 0.25. I was anxious about going away for 5 days as I knew there would be ammonia on the third day.
Before I went, I did 1 90% WC the night before and another 90% WC on the morning I left. I also fed the fish on the morning I left.
I came back and did a roll call, all fish present and still swimming normal. Tested my water and this was the shock.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10 (this is down to the ferts I am using)
PH 7.6
Does this mean my filter is now developing ammonia eating bacteria?
Before I went, I did 1 90% WC the night before and another 90% WC on the morning I left. I also fed the fish on the morning I left.
I came back and did a roll call, all fish present and still swimming normal. Tested my water and this was the shock.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10 (this is down to the ferts I am using)
PH 7.6
Does this mean my filter is now developing ammonia eating bacteria?