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Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2012
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isle of wight
hello fish exsperts today went to my local fish shop brought king british water purifirer and used it then started to read back of box and in the bottom right courner there was a date saying 10/2010 and this means its two years out of date will it harm my fish as ive got about 50 quids worth and this product cost 4.45 and i rung up consumer advice and the shop is liable for my fish if they die but i dont want them to do does anyone no muc about these sorts of prouducts will it harm my fish if its two years out of date
I don't know about it harming your fish but if they look ok and your water tests look ok then i wouldn't worry. I would however take all of that dechlor back to the shop and get your money back!
I don't know about it harming your fish but if they look ok and your water tests look ok then i wouldn't worry. I would however take all of that dechlor back to the shop and get your money back!
how long would i start seeing affect ? and they look alrite i surpose but im newbie any tips ive rung shop and told them im not happy as ive got 50 pounds worth of fish,im not happy as pet shops should check for this shouldnt they on daily if not weekly routines ive informed consumer rights and trading standards i havent got a water testing kit :(
You should get a water test kit (a liquid based one like API, for example) it's the only way you'll know for sure unless your fish start getting sick and you don't want that!
You should get a water test kit (a liquid based one like API, for example) it's the only way you'll know for sure unless your fish start getting sick and you don't want that!
no anything i could do if they do get sick to try counter act it popin to pets at home to get water test for free
Large water changes of about 70%, making sure to only add in dechlorinated and roughly temperature matched water. I'd pick up a test kit while you're there as if you're doing a 'fish in' cycle you'll want to check the water daily - and it kind of sounds like you are doing a fish in cycle. How long have you had them?

Have a read of the beginners resource centre HERE Especially the section on fish in cycling. :)

One more thing, because i've noticed some of your other topics. What sized tank do you have and what fish are in it? Sounds like you may have jumped in at the deep end a little bit lol ;)
hello just had it tested and results are bad amonia 4.0 should be yellow and its greem/ nitrite should be light blue and its purpule 2.0/ NO3not sure what its is but it reads ten 10 should be yellow and its orange have you got email i cud send you exzact picture of test
Large water changes of about 70%, making sure to only add in dechlorinated and roughly temperature matched water. I'd pick up a test kit while you're there as if you're doing a 'fish in' cycle you'll want to check the water daily - and it kind of sounds like you are doing a fish in cycle. How long have you had them?

Have a read of the beginners resource centre HERE Especially the section on fish in cycling. :)

One more thing, because i've noticed some of your other topics. What sized tank do you have and what fish are in it? Sounds like you may have jumped in at the deep end a little bit lol ;)
i have a 2.3ft tank aprox 90 litres and its not a new tank its been runining for w hile becaus it brought it off a friend

basicly brought water purifer to get the water levels done and it was two years out of date and now its made my water worst my fish have been in tank for a week before then and much more from previus owners

i reckon trhe fish have been in the tank for a few months from the orignal owners i kept as much of the water as i could pretty much 3 quarters of it as i didnt want to start of fresh again did 20% water change few days ago got told to leave it or but some water from a pet shop thats is already made up do you think i should by the ready made up water from them and take all water out and fill it up with there water that they use fink its 11 pound then 3 pound refill after that
Large water changes of about 70%, making sure to only add in dechlorinated and roughly temperature matched water. I'd pick up a test kit while you're there as if you're doing a 'fish in' cycle you'll want to check the water daily - and it kind of sounds like you are doing a fish in cycle. How long have you had them?

Have a read of the beginners resource centre HERE Especially the section on fish in cycling. :)

One more thing, because i've noticed some of your other topics. What sized tank do you have and what fish are in it? Sounds like you may have jumped in at the deep end a little bit lol ;)
i have a 2.3ft tank aprox 90 litres and its not a new tank its been runining for w hile becaus it brought it off a friend

basicly brought water purifer to get the water levels done and it was two years out of date and now its made my water worst my fish have been in tank for a week before then and much more from previus owners

i reckon trhe fish have been in the tank for a few months from the orignal owners i kept as much of the water as i could pretty much 3 quarters of it as i didnt want to start of fresh again did 20% water change few days ago got told to leave it or but some water from a pet shop thats is already made up do you think i should by the ready made up water from them and take all water out and fill it up with there water that they use fink its 11 pound then 3 pound refill after that
thats not from the place where i brought the product from tho obvs lol im never going back to that shop again
Hiya sib, yikes yeah you've got quite the problem on your hands here :/ did the filter ever dry out or have you changed the filter media (sponges, etc) for new ones since you got it? It's just that it's a bit strange to get those sorts of readings with a tank that's been running for a while.

I think you are probably going through a fish-in cycle now. Something has happened, maybe when you moved the tank, that has killed all of the bacteria that keep your water clean. Do have a read through of the link I gave you before about the nitrogen cycle and fish n cycling.

Now more than ever you need your own test kit because you are going to have to test at least daily for a little while and maybe more than daily. Your ammonia and nitrite should both be 0, anything above that number is deadly to your fish, especially at the numbers you have right now. What you need to do is remove as much water as you can while still leaving enough for the fish to swim upright. Then refill the tank with roughly temperature matched and dechlorinated water. The key is to never let water that hasn't been dechlorinated touch your filter so your filter (and heater) should always be switched off until you are finished with a water change. Unfortunately because your numbers are so high you may need to do 2 or three water changes of this size to get the readings back down to 0. Sorry for the bad news :( Luckily, you can do these water changes back to back without harming the bacteria in your filter or you fish as long as you followed my instructions above.

Once you get those readings down to 0 the first time. They are much easier to maintain by doing daily water changes. This may go on for a few weeks. It's very hard to say because this tank has been running for a little while. But like I said you really met get a water test kit so you can prevent the ammonia and nitrite from reaching harmful levels (anything over .25). Don't worry too much about your nitrate as it's not harmful unless it's in numbers well over 100.

I hope this doesn't seem overwhelming for you. Once you get though this rough patch I'm sure you'll have a lovely tank which only needs a water change once a week. If it all sounds confusing just be sure to read those links I mentioned and it will make a lot more sense.

Thanks for the offer but don't worry about sending me a picture of your test :) If you ever want to post pictures here though, the best way is to open a photo bucket account and post the link or image code here so that everyone can see what's going on.

The last thing to talk about is what fish you have in there because if you have a lot of fish it will make keeping the ammonia and nitrite down even harder. Plus some fish don't live well together and it's a common trap for new fish keepers to fall in to because LFS (local fish stores) aren't always reliable in the advice they give.

WOW! That was a lot of info, good luck and please feel free to post anymore questions :) No one will think they are dumb :p
no i didnt let filter dry out or change it i added tape safe and squessed sponge in old water before replacing it also ive got some reverse osmosis water from my good pet store cost a bit but reading are better now ff lolbut one thing when i change water i did 25% and now temprature dropeed so wonderd what i should set it to is 26 c alrite for most comunity fish ie 2 gouramis 1 tige rbarb 1 cherry barb 1 plec 1 pakistani loach red tail shark 3 redeyed tetras is 26 celecuis to cold ?

Hiya sib, yikes yeah you've got quite the problem on your hands here :/ did the filter ever dry out or have you changed the filter media (sponges, etc) for new ones since you got it? It's just that it's a bit strange to get those sorts of readings with a tank that's been running for a while.

I think you are probably going through a fish-in cycle now. Something has happened, maybe when you moved the tank, that has killed all of the bacteria that keep your water clean. Do have a read through of the link I gave you before about the nitrogen cycle and fish n cycling.

Now more than ever you need your own test kit because you are going to have to test at least daily for a little while and maybe more than daily. Your ammonia and nitrite should both be 0, anything above that number is deadly to your fish, especially at the numbers you have right now. What you need to do is remove as much water as you can while still leaving enough for the fish to swim upright. Then refill the tank with roughly temperature matched and dechlorinated water. The key is to never let water that hasn't been dechlorinated touch your filter so your filter (and heater) should always be switched off until you are finished with a water change. Unfortunately because your numbers are so high you may need to do 2 or three water changes of this size to get the readings back down to 0. Sorry for the bad news :( Luckily, you can do these water changes back to back without harming the bacteria in your filter or you fish as long as you followed my instructions above.

Once you get those readings down to 0 the first time. They are much easier to maintain by doing daily water changes. This may go on for a few weeks. It's very hard to say because this tank has been running for a little while. But like I said you really met get a water test kit so you can prevent the ammonia and nitrite from reaching harmful levels (anything over .25). Don't worry too much about your nitrate as it's not harmful unless it's in numbers well over 100.

I hope this doesn't seem overwhelming for you. Once you get though this rough patch I'm sure you'll have a lovely tank which only needs a water change once a week. If it all sounds confusing just be sure to read those links I mentioned and it will make a lot more sense.

Thanks for the offer but don't worry about sending me a picture of your test :) If you ever want to post pictures here though, the best way is to open a photo bucket account and post the link or image code here so that everyone can see what's going on.

The last thing to talk about is what fish you have in there because if you have a lot of fish it will make keeping the ammonia and nitrite down even harder. Plus some fish don't live well together and it's a common trap for new fish keepers to fall in to because LFS (local fish stores) aren't always reliable in the advice they give.

WOW! That was a lot of info, good luck and please feel free to post anymore questions :) No one will think they are dumb :p
thank you im pretty new so if i ask question more then once im sorry :p also ive got a water testing kit now so fingers crossed

no i didnt let filter dry out or change it i added tape safe and squessed sponge in old water before replacing it also ive got some reverse osmosis water from my good pet store cost a bit but reading are better now ff lolbut one thing when i change water i did 25% and now temprature dropeed so wonderd what i should set it to is 26 c alrite for most comunity fish ie 2 gouramis 1 tige rbarb 1 cherry barb 1 plec 1 pakistani loach red tail shark 3 redeyed tetras is 26 celecuis to cold ?

Hiya sib, yikes yeah you've got quite the problem on your hands here :/ did the filter ever dry out or have you changed the filter media (sponges, etc) for new ones since you got it? It's just that it's a bit strange to get those sorts of readings with a tank that's been running for a while.

I think you are probably going through a fish-in cycle now. Something has happened, maybe when you moved the tank, that has killed all of the bacteria that keep your water clean. Do have a read through of the link I gave you before about the nitrogen cycle and fish n cycling.

Now more than ever you need your own test kit because you are going to have to test at least daily for a little while and maybe more than daily. Your ammonia and nitrite should both be 0, anything above that number is deadly to your fish, especially at the numbers you have right now. What you need to do is remove as much water as you can while still leaving enough for the fish to swim upright. Then refill the tank with roughly temperature matched and dechlorinated water. The key is to never let water that hasn't been dechlorinated touch your filter so your filter (and heater) should always be switched off until you are finished with a water change. Unfortunately because your numbers are so high you may need to do 2 or three water changes of this size to get the readings back down to 0. Sorry for the bad news :( Luckily, you can do these water changes back to back without harming the bacteria in your filter or you fish as long as you followed my instructions above.

Once you get those readings down to 0 the first time. They are much easier to maintain by doing daily water changes. This may go on for a few weeks. It's very hard to say because this tank has been running for a little while. But like I said you really met get a water test kit so you can prevent the ammonia and nitrite from reaching harmful levels (anything over .25). Don't worry too much about your nitrate as it's not harmful unless it's in numbers well over 100.

I hope this doesn't seem overwhelming for you. Once you get though this rough patch I'm sure you'll have a lovely tank which only needs a water change once a week. If it all sounds confusing just be sure to read those links I mentioned and it will make a lot more sense.

Thanks for the offer but don't worry about sending me a picture of your test :) If you ever want to post pictures here though, the best way is to open a photo bucket account and post the link or image code here so that everyone can see what's going on.

The last thing to talk about is what fish you have in there because if you have a lot of fish it will make keeping the ammonia and nitrite down even harder. Plus some fish don't live well together and it's a common trap for new fish keepers to fall in to because LFS (local fish stores) aren't always reliable in the advice they give.

WOW! That was a lot of info, good luck and please feel free to post anymore questions :) No one will think they are dumb :p
thank you im pretty new so if i ask question more then once im sorry :p also ive got a water testing kit now so fingers crossed
also how do i put a profile picture up as carnt see how :) and dont use flicker or any of that as im uselesss with pass words im only 19 and already got a brain size of my fishes lmao

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[#10245] You are not permitted to view member profiles. this is what it say when i click on edit proofile and wont let me contact administrator
I don't know much about some of your fish but 26 is pretty average for most tropical fish I think.

Regarding your problems re: profile pic etc. It's because your account isn't validated yet. You should have received an email from the forum where you have to clock a link and sign in I think. So try and find that email in your inbox.

Don't worry about the temp dropping a few degrees when you water change, a small drop in temp won't bother your fish at all :)

Also, I think you've not got the best combination of fish in your tank. Some of them can get aggressive and will be to big for your tank. Is that a subject you'd be interested in discussing at the moment? I know you've got a lot swimming around in your head lol but you will need to deal with it sooner rather than later. Also fewer fish in the tank will make it easier to keep your ammonia and nitrite at 0 while your tank is going through this cycle
I don't know much about some of your fish but 26 is pretty average for most tropical fish I think.

Regarding your problems re: profile pic etc. It's because your account isn't validated yet. You should have received an email from the forum where you have to clock a link and sign in I think. So try and find that email in your inbox.

Don't worry about the temp dropping a few degrees when you water change, a small drop in temp won't bother your fish at all :)

Also, I think you've not got the best combination of fish in your tank. Some of them can get aggressive and will be to big for your tank. Is that a subject you'd be interested in discussing at the moment? I know you've got a lot swimming around in your head lol but you will need to deal with it sooner rather than later. Also fewer fish in the tank will make it easier to keep your ammonia and nitrite at 0 while your tank is going through this cycle

okay ill keep that in mind how regualry shall i feed them when im doing this cycle a man from shop said feed every 3 days will they starve ?
Well they won't die with feeding every 3 days and I guess it would be helpful in keeping waste levels down. TBH I've not got a lot of personal experience with fish-in cycles BUT yeah, they should be able to live on food every 3 days considering that they can go for a week without any food at all.

Once you get through the cycle (meaning you're no longer getting readings for ammonia and nitrite) you should feed them once a day.
should i added some tape safe if my readinds 0.8 cl2 Mg/l

should i added some tape safe into the tank directly

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