Old To New Filter

The Duke

Fish Crazy
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
Have just bought a new tetratec 1200 filter to replace the old juwel trigon 190 internal filter. Going to swap them over in the next few days and wondering the best way of going about doing so with minimum disruption to the water parameters. I have heard you can put the old filter media in the new filter? Is this right? If so, which part of the old media would I use and where in the new filter would I put it? Thanks.
Various ways to do it:

1. Set the new filter up, remove a sponge from the old filter and squeeze it next to the new filters intake so it's sucked up, repeat every few days or so
2. Set the new filter up, remove a sponge from the old filter and place in the 1st chamber inline in the new filter, replace old sponge with a new one in the old filter
3. Set the new filter up and just leave to run alongside the old filter

Thanks for replying. Which sponges from the old juwel internal filter would I put into the new filter? Would it be the bottom two which are hardly ever replaced? Just to get this right in my mind, would the old sponge then be placed in the bottom tray of the tetratec new external filter?
I'm not familiar with the Tetratec filters but most externals filter from the bottom up so by putting the seeding material in the bottom it will gradually populate the rest of the filter.

As for the Juwel sponges you're right, the top ones are there mainly to trap particulate material so you'll just end up with a lot of useless sludge, the ones further down the line are where the bacteria hangout so they would be the ones to go for.

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