Fish Gatherer
I was thinking how boring my guppies are. They don't actually swim around that much anymore.... then it occurred to me that the youngest two are thereabouts 1 1/2 years old and the older two are 2 years old and a touch. So... pretty much in guppy speak they are all old. They are in their usual health.
(I do currently have a platy with a fungus problem, dot above its eye, did go away but has come back again).
Ultimately... out of 8 fish... only 3 make a habit of swimming around and doing stuff. My two calico platies and one of my coral blue platies.... the 4 guppies don't do anything and the guppy currently with fungus doesn't do much... it is a bit angry with me and hiding because I tried to catch it this morning to separate her.
Oh yeah.... I did mean to include a question. LOL
What behavior do old guppies exhibit?
(I do currently have a platy with a fungus problem, dot above its eye, did go away but has come back again).
Ultimately... out of 8 fish... only 3 make a habit of swimming around and doing stuff. My two calico platies and one of my coral blue platies.... the 4 guppies don't do anything and the guppy currently with fungus doesn't do much... it is a bit angry with me and hiding because I tried to catch it this morning to separate her.
Oh yeah.... I did mean to include a question. LOL
What behavior do old guppies exhibit?