Ohh No Substrate Again


Fish Herder
Aug 7, 2011
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Hi im using argos play sand and im getting sick of it shifting about
i do like the sand look and i guess my new fish do as well but i need it to stop shifting around

so what sand/sub whould be haveyer and not shift around as much?

i also may be using 2 diffrent subs this time one at the rear for the plants and sand at the front

what fish have you got?

how are the filter heads positioned? Could they be causing the disturbance?
Tetras, corys and a pair of kribensis taeniatus
The filter head is in the top right cornes it points to the front left corner, the sand that move it in the middle front

Will add some photos after work, would be good though if I could sort it cheers
if the sand is shiffting in the exact same place all the time, it sounds like the output from the filter is causing it - I get the same on my tank where two filter flows meet and travel to the bottom.
Yes I get that bit, it will do the same no matter where I point
It, the argos sand is so fine I'm thinking if I had a more coarse sand it may not shif as much at the moment the rear of the tank is getting thicker and the sub at the front is getting thinner
I use Argos stuff as well, but the tank is around 2' tall so the effect is not too bad. I have one 4"-6" depression at the front but I can live with it :)
Try putting a rock or bit of bogwood in the right place to deflect the flow?

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