Oh No - Have I Ruined Everything?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2012
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I know I made a mistake but I had plants in my tank before I started cycling it last friday. I dosed ammonia up to 5ppm.
Tested yesterday and the ammonia was pretty much 0 and nitite was 0 so I assumed I had missed the nitrite spike??

Anyhow this morning i dosed ammonia up to 3ppm. Have just tested the water now and Ammonia is 3ppm, nitrite 0 nitrate 10ppm.

However, I noticed a god awful smell in my house and when testing the water i noticed all the plants have rotted. Over £30 worth :crazy:

I have removed them, and done a 100% water change as there was detritus thorughout the water where they has rotted off.

I would have thought my ammonia levels would have been through the roof!!!

So I am going to refil warm water....set thermometer at 30 degrees and re dose ammonia up to 3ppm.

Have a ruined the cycle????? :/ :grr: :-(
I dunno if you've ruined it, just keep an eye on your readings and try to continue as normal, remove all dead or dying plants. Keep live ones in there they will help absorb ammonia and nitrites. Any idea why they died? Are you giving them enough light and nutrients(fertilizer)?
id dose back up to 5ppm and just continue with the cycle after the 100% WC like it didnt happen
Right ok guys - thank you!!!

I have put fertiliser in there and the light is on for 8 hours - 10 hours per day/evening. The plants had rotten at the roots and were slimy. Lots had uprooted where the roots had rotten away. I have no idea other than they didn't like being at 5ppm ammonia?

I will wait for a couple more responses on whether I should up to 3ppm this time or 5ppm....
The tank is now filled and was dechlorinated before going in.

God this fish keeping lark is hectic :look:

AND I do not even have any fish yet!!!!

Oh and I have removed all the plants - what was left was not worth keeping tbh.
The plants wouldnt be bothered by 5ppm ammonia they like to absorb it and will do faster than bacteria. What plants were they?
I agree with staxx, dose upto 5ppm just incase you've lost any bacteria with the WC.
Plants were cabomba, micro sword and hygrofilia?

Ok dosing to 5ppm tonight :good:

Thank you
Hmm I dunno what may have caused it, don't be dis-heartened by the experience. At least you can get through the cycle with the lights off, this will prevent algae and save electricity. Good luck and keep us posted :good:
Yes I will keep the lights off!! Thanks you very much for your help both of you :rolleyes:
Cabomba does not need to be rooted. It will grow just fine floating at the water surface. You are probably looking at H. polysperma, dwarf hygro. It is another easy care plant and quite common at the LFS. Micro-swords can require more light than the others so unless you have done some special lighting you may have lost them to inadequate light. If you still have any live plants, why not grow them on a window sill until you can get the filter in your tank cycled? That way you won't need to replace them all again after the cycle.

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