Oddball For The Community Tank

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Fish Fanatic
Nov 7, 2012
Reaction score
Guildford, Surrey. UK
Is there any type of odd ball that could go in a community tank with guppys etc.
I would like something completely different looking to mix with my set up
There's the upside down catfish, or actually a few of them as they do well in groups. They are odd and not difficult to keep as well as being peaceful.
I guess it depends what you call an odd ball?

The species generally described as odd balls are usually huge, aggressive and impossible to mix in a community with guppies.

A couple of 'unusual' fish you might want to look at are:

- Glassfish
- Lyretail Killi
- Peacock Gobys
Maybe you should get more kuhli loaches first :unsure:
I hope there is sand in that tank for them....
Since the tank is so big, you should really up the numbers for a the schooling fish first before adding any new species...
I have sand substrate and did have moe kuhli loaches but I lost them due to them getting into the weir and to there deaths in the sump :-(
The peacock gobys and lyretails look really nice
I would put a pic of the tank up but not sure how
Kilifish aren't suited for community tanks. They can be very aggressive.
If you're going to get Peacock Gobies, you'll need one male and two females to prevent any one female from being the brunt of the male's attention. And they will need either PVC pipes or clay pots to make territories and breed in.

Another interesting oddball is the Glass Carfish. A school of those would look stunning.

Try tying some pantyhose around the sump intake. This will prevent any future kuhlis from shooting up there. :)

Have you had any experience with the Lyretails? I certainly haven't but everything I have read is they are anything but aggressive - in fact most of the websites I've looked at have said they are shy and may be out competed for food by any aggressive or active species.

The gobies are something I plan to have in my tank as a centrepiece. I know a few people here have pairs but might think about getting 2 females if that's what you reccommend.
All killifish are temperamental. They can be aggressive when mating or spawning, and are shy and timid. They simply do not belong in a community tank. All killifish are best off in species only tanks.

I had a male and female peacock goby in my 20g.....the male beat the female to death. Its best to have two females so no one gpby is the brunt of the males attention

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