Fish Fanatic
My tank is cycled Lost all fish been dosing with ammonia to feed tank I want to change substrate this weekend since I am fish less. Do I need to cycle tank again ..if it's just apart for a few hours.
Blondielovesfish said:If you're worried about the bacteria in the old substrate, you could add the substrate to a sock or some pantyhose and then hang that in the tank for a week or so, most of the bacteria should recolonize to the new substrate.
55 gallon and between 2 and 3 dose every couple daysSimpleDog said:As Blondie said, that is one option, but as you have been dosing you tank there may not be much of a need. You could just change the substrate, monitor the ammonia drops for a couple of days. If all is good, do a water change and add fish.
What are you keeping your ppm up to as far as the ammonia and what size tank are you working with?