Nyereri Cichlid Holding?


New Member
Jul 31, 2016
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I have kept cichlids for around 1 year now. Today I have noticed that my female Nyereri Cichlid may be holding? I have 1 male and 1 female in a 55g mixed cichlid tank. What is convincing me that she is holding is that her mouth area has got larger like a pouch and her behaviour has suddenly changed from darting around the tank to swimming up by the filter. Also, the male is at the opposite end of the tank and I presume he has dug a lot of the sand up as there is quite a big crater. Do you think the female is holding at the moment? I have never experienced cichlid breeding before so I'm quite a noobie at this part of the hobby :)

Thanks for the replies. I can say that she is holding as I have looked very closely and can she has a pouch full of eggs that are creamy coloured. It seems she likes it by the filter area (presumably safe) but she has been swimming around the tank too. It's been two days now since I've noticed she may be holding and she has also not eaten for two days as well.

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