Nyd Problem!


May 16, 2012
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My stock is in my sig, sorry for my laziness, I'm a student so you know why ;)

One of my gourami which I recently purchased, has got ich. Should I put him in my 22L?

I don't know if it will spread, I've never had ich before so I have no idea what to do and don't trust the internet too much. I don't have any money right now so is there anything I can do? I've heard about using non-chlorinated water water before. Adding water to a bag, floating it in the tank, and then adding the sick fish to it for 10 mins. The water will be equal to the temp, just not chlorinated. I will also be doing 50% water changes every day to ensure clean water unless someone says that's wrong. Again, I have no experience with this/ :/

Thanks for any replies. Sorry if this isn't an emergency.
Your lack of information just means I have to ask more questions that you`ll have to answer later if you want an accutate treatment option....

Are you certain it's Ick, can you describe it or even better, post a picture? It could be some other illnesses as well, though ick is the most common.

First of all; what type of Gourami? If it's one of the smaller species such as Dwarf, Sparkling or Kissing, than you can if you want, but I would recommend just leaving it in the tank. Ick is a very contagious parasite, so chances are it is spreading already.

Second, all your water should be dechlorinated! When you do your water changes you should be adding a a dechlorinator, also called water conditioner. If you aren't putting that in your water that's a problem right there. So doing what you suggest won`t really do anything, but do the water change, in fact, do that every three or so days to keep the water very clean. (But if you do them too often you will stress the fish out.)

Third; as far as treatment, other than keeping the water clean, your best bet is to raise the temperature of the tank to 28 C (80-82 F). This will speed up the life of the parasite, which means it will die more quickly.
Next, add aquarium salt, or unscented epsom salt (Magnesium Sulfate). Aquarium salt is better for this purpose though. On the box of aquarium salt there should be a guide to how much to add to fresh water. Add about 2x that amount. Ick parasites aren't very tolerant of salt.

And you don;t have any scaleless fish so you should be alright.
That's really all I can recommend with the information given, good luck.
You're the best person that could have answered that! I just remembered I have aquarium salt in the house!

Sorry for the lack of information!

It looks like a big white spot or maybe a cluster of them, he's rubbed it off now but you can see it was there. I won't post a pic since it's removed. It is a dwarf flame gourami.

I do dechlorinate my water all the time haha. I mean't using a fish bag, fill that bag with water and not dechlorinate it and put the fish in that bag once it is the same temp. Sort of like the reverse of when you buy a fish. I head something about non-dechlorinated water being able to kill parasites.

Okay I'll up the temperature. Unfortunately the box is just clear plastic so I'll look it up.

Thanks for your help, it's much appreciated, I feel much better about treating them. :)
ich spots look like grains of salt, when you say I head something about non-dechlorinated water being able to kill parasites. i think you misunderstood? the non dechlorinated water will kill the bacteria in your filter media which obviously you dont want to do
Ich is very small... if you are dealing with a larger spot then it is not ich, it is something else. Was it a patch on the scales? Did it seem fuzzy at all? You said it came off now, what does the area where the spot was look like?
Kind of sore and infected. It was a cluster of white spots. I added a couple of tablespoons of salt and did another water change, cleared the filter so the water would have better flow temp is now 28C.

Anyway it looked like 3 small white spots on the side of him. It was not fuzzy. Anyway he seems a little off but he doesn't look that ill in the sense that ill fish may sometimes tilt and all that.

@phoenixgsd, sorry I'm not making much sense, it's hard to explain. The raw water is in a bag so it does not enter the tank, it's just touching it to heat it to the same temperature. So when you take the fish out of the tank and add it to the bag for 10 mins, the chlorinated water helps rid that fish of disease. Is this a real method or have I just read nonsense?

Thank you guys for taking your time to help! :)

I should of done this earlier, I'm such an idiot. I googled ich and the spots looked the same but in one place on the body. It was spread all over the body (or maybe it hasn't developed.)
Could it be a burn from the heater maybe causing a sort of scab/blister which came off leaving a sore?

I've never seen ich form a cluster, I think you are dealing with something else.
@phoenixgsd, sorry I'm not making much sense, it's hard to explain. The raw water is in a bag so it does not enter the tank, it's just touching it to heat it to the same temperature. So when you take the fish out of the tank and add it to the bag for 10 mins, the chlorinated water helps rid that fish of disease. Is this a real method or have I just read nonsense? )

I read the same thing, it was actually on this site, the thought process was that if chlorinated water kills off the good bacteria it would also kill off bad bacteria/parasites etc..

Wether its true or not im not sure, however the bag method you mentioned would not work as Whitespot is present in the tank, not just the fish, so you have to treat the whole tank in order to deal with it, and as we all know chlorinated water in the tank is a big no no :)
Unless you take the filter out but I'm not doing that. Well whatever it is, I'll just wait for clearer signs and whatever it turns out to be, I can take pictures and find out what it is. For now I'll just make sure the water is nice and clean and feed a small amount every other day.

Thank you everyone for your help. :)

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