Ntd And Other Fish


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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Does anyone know of a link that tells you all the types of fish that can get Neon Tetra Disease?  I have been googling and keep getting links that say some other fish can get it but not what sort!  I know livebearers don't get it, and I am sure someone said once that Angel fish can... but not sure any more than that.
Only things I could find really were:
Cichlids such as Angelfish, and Cyprinids such as Rasboras and Barbs, also fall victim to the disease. Even the common Goldfish can become infected. Interestingly enough, Cardinal tetras are resistant to the ravages of Neon Tetra disease. Caused by the sporozoan, Pleistophora hyphessobryconis, the disease is known for its rapid and high mortality rate among neons. To date there is no known cure, the only 'treatment' being the immediate removal of diseased fish to preserve the remaining fish.
Many of the reported cures are the result of misdiagnosis. Certain bacterial infections mimic the symptoms of Neon Tetra disease. Those diseases often respond to medication, thus giving rise to the incorrect belief that there is a cure for Neon Tetra disease.
I think the biggest problem is often a misdiagnosis, I think I have more often seen neons with something that is more likely bacterial rather than NTD simply because on systems, it can spread so fast and *does* effect guppies so less likely NTD than a bacterial disease with very similar external symptoms.
I also don't think it is NTD that gets angels, I also think that is bacterial, its symptoms are somewhat different to NTD, I just know it as Flexibacter but more common name being columnaris I assume.
I will shortly only have 3 neons left in my tank.  I've had neons since September 2012 and as of a month after getting them they have been basically coming down with NTD one after the other (monthly more or less) since.  I've gone from 16 to 3.  My final 3 would seem to be the most robust of all... guessing since they are still alive.  They have lived their entire time with guppies and platies and the disease has never spread to them and I am 100% is the genuine article.
I said shortly have 3 neons (above) since my platies have been biting the dust with some unknown disease since I got them... very much like wasting disease but I liken it to that and I do not know for sure..... and their problems have been only with platies... my neons nor guppies have ever come down with it.
SO..... I am about to have ONLY 3 neons left in my 20 gallon and I would like to get more fish.... I am not planning on rehoming the neons as they seem quite secure in the tank actually despite the low number... plus I doubt anyone would want to take them in considering my history with NTD.... so... they and the possible NTD parasites are likely to be in my tank.... I'd like to get fish knowing they will not also catch that disease (I am planning to give a break of not adding fish between when I lose my platies and when I get anything new).
I am wanting to either get 2-3 honey gourami or 6 celestial pearl danios (I still really like the gourami but my family are loving the danios).... and I do not know for certain whether either would be safe to add.
I just had a problem with ntd on my glowlights. There were 10 glowlights in all. My 5 platys and 1 dwarf gourami show no signs of the disease, I removed all ten tetra and euthanized them to preserve the other fish. It has been about 5 days since I have done that. So it may not be ntd if you are losing platys too. Probably a bacterial infection of some sort like columnaris.
Oh and just to make clear, all ten tetras had symptoms of ntd disease. From first sign on a fish to the spread to all of the tetra was just two days.
No, the platy issue is a separate thing altogether.  I started losing platies even before they were in the same tank as the neons.
I am positive that the neons have been getting NTD... I am however unsure of what my platies have been getting... I only know that it has only been the platies with the symptoms and never the Neons or guppies with the same ones.  I know... confusing, but really is two different things.

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