now that i got my tank need info on some stuff..

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New Member
May 21, 2004
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Size 29 Gallon long tank..

what is a good heater, filter to get??? i know i want something with a biowheel.. but since its been bout ten years since i been into fish tanks... i am lost on what is good these days.. and what else should i buy.... 8)

i know rocks, plants etc....

any help will be awsome... :kana:
Hi Monster :)

What kind of fish do you plan to get? If you're not sure yet, will there be a few big ones or lots of small ones?
OK sorry bout that i have a 29 gallon long tank....

i plan on some small fish and medium size fish.. also some fast moving and some slow moving.. fish... B) if thats possible to get all that types to work together... with out conflict of fish...
I have a similar tank and use the penguin bio wheel 170 and it has been great for the last year. The heater depends on where you live, Michigan is probably much like Ontario hot summers cold winters so a 100 watt heater would probably suffice. Again it depends on how warm the room where the tank will be set up is on a normal basis. Some say get 5 watts per gallon but i think thats overkill in most situations but for a long tank it may be appropriate. Mine is a 29, 30x18x12 and i thought that was the only way 29s came, at least over here in Newfoundland thats how they all come. Welcome back to the greatest hobby in the world. :)
Id recommend nothing smaller than a Penguin 170 , preferrably with the bio wheel attachment. And id have to agree with tstenback on his recomendations for the heater.
Good luck with your Tank mate. :thumbs:
my tank measurements are...

length 30" Hight 19" width 12"

ok i might get the 170 then.. and yes bio-wheel. for sure.. i like having them i always found the fish to be healthier with it.. and much more active..

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