Now I've Done It - Lots Of Decision To Make, Where To Start?!

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Fish Crazy
Sep 1, 2011
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I've purchased a 50 gal tank and stand *used, glass top (brand new still in the box) and tube light(s).    I need to sort out hardware next.
I started reading about filters.  I know I do not want to go the canister route.  Then I read an article that bio wheels are self cleaning and very little maintenance.  Ooooh, never had one of those!  There are the penguin and the emperor, both made by Marineland and I can't figure out the difference.  The pricing doesn't seem any different from other hob filters.
I've only last month bought the Fluval U2 underwater filter.  I guess I will sell that.  Just bought a year's supply of carbon for it, geesh. 
And my heater is also new last month, a 50 w; I guess I can't use that either?
Part of me wants to keep my blue gravel with white stone, of course I'll have to add for the larger size tank.  The other part of me thinks a different substrate would be good, but then I'm stumped, brown pebbles, black?  UGH! 
I really like the IDEA of the LED lights, and I just purchased a strip which I love for the tank I have (and which I will move out).    When I was researching LED, I saw positive reviews for the BRIGHT strip, but  not sure if I should just keep with the tubes for now, perhaps add my one strip?
I have a Marineland Penguin filter.  I don't know a lot about the emporer models, but I've been happy with my penguin so far.  I've had it for a little over 2 years and it's worked great.  The one thing I will say is that I get a lot of hard water buildup and the biowheel is starting to slow down.  It never stops for more than a few seconds at a time, but I'm not sure what I'll do when it does.  I don't think just replacing the wheel part of it will fix the problem and I've tried cleaning the hard water off of it, but nothing seems to work.  I've heard that it's normal for biowheels to slow down as they age, but I'm not sure what the next course of action is, so just something to think about in your decision making.
IMO i find that the canister filters are the best, the sponges just need to be rinsed when doing a water change and then everything else can last for a very long time which you don't need to worry about. in the long run it costs less to a hang on filter which you'll be replacing the filters.
if you are thinking of going to another substrate i would recommend play sand, just rinse the hell out of it before placing it in. the cleaning of it is very good, just need to graze the vacuum over it to remove waste, and rustle is around to remove built up gases and you're good to go.
i would recommend to stay with the tube lights for now, cycle the tank and while you are cycling and have everything set up etc etc layout, blah blah blah and then focus on the lights then at least you don't need to worry while you wait for the tank to cycle and then you can play around with the lights and choose which ones you want.
BerryAttack said:
IMO i find that the canister filters are the best, the sponges just need to be rinsed when doing a water change and then everything else can last for a very long time which you don't need to worry about. in the long run it costs less to a hang on filter which you'll be replacing the filters.
if you are thinking of going to another substrate i would recommend play sand, just rinse the hell out of it before placing it in. the cleaning of it is very good, just need to graze the vacuum over it to remove waste, and rustle is around to remove built up gases and you're good to go.
i would recommend to stay with the tube lights for now, cycle the tank and while you are cycling and have everything set up etc etc layout, blah blah blah and then focus on the lights then at least you don't need to worry while you wait for the tank to cycle and then you can play around with the lights and choose which ones you want.
For the canister filter, don't I need to be able to access around the back of the tank?  That is not going to work with the only place this will fit!
Are you keeping your current fish? And what other fish are you planning to add? I ask because if you want something like say cories or loaches, you may want to get sand instead of keeping the blue gravel.
I don't have experience with those brands of filter but I have two Aqua-Tech 30-60's on my 55g, I think you'll want two HOBs so maybe one of each of the brands you're looking at? :blink:
Could look odd though depending on how different they are in appearance.
I like Aqueon heaters. :)
You can run the tubes for your canister filter down the sides if you wish, I have the intake down one side in the back corner and the outlet into the other  back corner.
I spoke with staff at 2 different lfs (NOT PetCo, PetsMart type stores!!), they all seem to think the biowheel HOB will be fine, no need to be playing with a canister.  One guy did say I can fit a small plastic tote in the cabinet, keep the canister in THAT and minimize the mess each time I have to tinker with it. Everyone felt a canister is a LOT more work than a bio wheel.  So I will most likely get an Emperor by Marineland, I think.
Nin, I bought the blue gravel, with one bag of white, same as I have in the current tank.  I will be keeping the fish I have.  My PLAN was to replace the tank I have.  . . . Now I am thinking leave it the fish are happy and set up the new one, ha haa.    Can't return any of the new stuff, it was all ordered online, so I got good pricing.  I tend to by Hagen products, I've always liked their items, and they have a main office near me.   This 'may' be why their products are popular in our local shops, and easy to get accessories, parts if needed, etc.   The Fluval heater is what I am thinking.  I've only had this one a few weeks, the setting is clear and I can get it right at the mark I want,  and there is a light to tell me when it is on. I am debating spending money on the one with the thermometer built in.  What do you like about Aqueon heaters?
I'm not in any rush, and I want to sand and refinish the stand before I set it alll up, so that will be the first thing.
As for fish, I've been reading about compatability, and like this idea: Freshwater Angels, plus Dwarf Gouramis and Neon Blue Gouramis, plus Neon Blue Rainbows make a nice compatible group of fish. Can also have a pleco in with these.  But then I do like this option: Barbs, Gouramis, Sharks, Eels and Loaches.  Tiger Barbs and Tinfoil Barbs, plus Blue, Gold, and Opaline Gouramis, plus Bala Sharks, Red Tail Sharks, Rainbow Sharks, and White Tip Sharks.  (Not keen on eels though).  I've done the bala sharks in the past, lovely fish!  Bought them at 70 cents, really small, sold them about 4 years later when they were too big for my tank.  So I need to firm up my plans for the new tank.
Oh and I had mystery snails (have all their shells!), one in particular grew quite large and would push off the glass then move THROUGH the water to where it wanted to be next.  AMAZING to watch that!    Someone near me posts cherry shrimp on CL for $2, so thinking about those -- especially after I saw your pics of your bamboo shrimp!  Need to keep thinking and researching on what I will get.
Well hopefully that filters works out then :D There isn't any particular reason I like my aqueon heaters except that I havn't had them break.
I have a marineland heater in my 55g and I think we've had to replace it 3 times and have been keeping fish less than a year. :/
Like said was asking since certain fish (eels, cories, loaches) much prefer sand over gravel.
Can you post the dimensions of your tank? I am asking because angels would need a tall tank, though I can't remember how tall right now!
It is questionable whether they and the gourami will get along but I've heard a few success stories, at first my golden gourami was bullying the angels but they all seem settled and getting along now.
If you go with tiger barbs your options would be a bit limited since they can be quite nippy. Tinfoil barbs, bala sharks, white tip sharks are all much too big for this size tank.
That's neat you still have the mystery snail shells! I didn't think of saving them.
Shrimp will likely get eaten by the fish you've listed..except for the bamboo since those are much larger :lol: You could try the smaller shrimp though, just try to provide lots of hiding places.
Having spent HOURS online, and phoning Hagen, I learned a LOT and changed most of my plans! 

All of the stuff I've purchased up to now, was for the Tropiquarium 68, which is one of their products; so I went with their line of supplies.    I phoned in to get info on the LED hood lights, and discovered my new tank is an All-Glass aka Aqueon, NOT a Hagen product line!  So I've been online reading and researching, and now have purchased:
- the Aqueon Quiet Flow filter 55/ 75
- Aqueon Pro 200 heater
- Aqueon modular LED light
- a bunch of 'stuff' for the decor.
I don't even want to think about how much TIME I spent online working on all this today!
The tank is a 50 gallon, it is 36 x 18 x 19. 
I was using this site for the info I put above, for sorts of fish: I was thinking about Groups 3 or 8.  Oh well.  Never had much success with angels anyhow.  They generally only lasted 15 to 18 months.  (I have NO luck with neon tetras, they never lasted more than 2 months, I gave up!  Of course part of that was my cat Sparkle was FISHING in my tank and I didn't realize it!)  Still not sure what the fish will be. 
Which site? What groups? :blink: Sorry am trying to grasp what you mean!
I didn't say you can't have the angels sillybean, I was checking how high your tank is to see if it'd be okay, and it is :)
You're making sure to cycle this tank following the article at the top of the page, right?
The fact it has "fish to put in bowls" makes me not want to touch that site with a 10 foot pole :p
If/when you can, perhaps go to the LFS and write down all the fish that catch your eye and then post it here.
I know it's going to be a bit but I just wated to double-check that you were going to cycle it ^^
Ninjouzata said:
The fact it has "fish to put in bowls" makes me not want to touch that site with a 10 foot pole

You don't keep a  betta in a bowl?  Vase?  Did you LOOK at the link?  They define a "bowl" as a 1.5 gallon bowl.
I'm pretty sure I can have the stand done in a week.  So I wanted to get my ordering done, and have the stuff arrive so I can start the cycle.  Domino effect - order, then work on tank, then receive items, install, add water, get it all going. 
I don't keep them in bowls or vases no. I did when I first started and after researching found out it's wrong. Minimum tank size is 2.5g. Mine is in a 20g long though. :)
That sounds like a good plan to me!
I hope I didn't upset you or anything btw, I certainly didn't mean to 
No, you didn't upset me, no worries.  Sorry MY reply was so abrupt (now that I am reading it 12 hours + later!).
Did not know that re bettas.  Oh my, I have SO much to learn!!!
I only ever had a male betta in my 19 gallon, so I never did the small size either, lol. 

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