Not Sure If My Fish Is Sick Or Not


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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I recently condensed my tanks. By that I mean that once upon a time I had a 20 and 30 gal tank. I got tired of cleaning both and so moved the fish from the 20 gal into the 30 gal. The stock from the 20 gal is : 5 female Bettas
They moved into the 30 gal which now has a stock of:
5 Female Bettas
3 Hifin Platys (2:1) f:m
3 BNP (1 adult, 4 inches, 2 Juvi, about 1.5 inches)
12+ Guppy/Endlers. Most of them are not fully grown but are sexually mature.
5 Panda Cories
20+ Cherry Shrimp
4 Mystery snails (All about the size of a golf ball)
And other misc. snail hitch hikers 
Listing like this I feel it may be over stocked....
I've kept an eye on water stats and they're fine. I use the same water (tap water) to do water changes and the filter is fully cycled.
So my problem is:
One of my female Betta's seems to be having trouble swimming. Granted I never saw her swim much in the other tank as she was quite shy, she swam fine when I did see her. Now she is in this new tank and she has made a home for herself on top of the filter (It's a submersible filter.) And when I saw her swim she appears to be swimming almost vertically. She doesn't appear to have any other symptoms other than this, her fins are fine, she's not pale or gasping and appears totally healthy, other than lethargy and her swimming method. she doesn't struggle to get to the surface or anything, she's just swimming rather vertically.
I've heard of this before but I can't for the life of me think of what causes it or how to treat it. does anyone have any ideas?

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